Cosmogenous Knell

Cosmogenous Knell Prose

I curve toward the milky way as my ribs crack and oxygen spills through the fissure of my being. The electric edge of the galaxy alights in my eyes. Threads cut from silken cabaret stocking trace patterns into my skin.

Moonlight cuts into the cavity of my stomach. Earth replaces vein. I drift into cosmic current where my spine nips pebble and sand.

Staring through the bridal veil of my dreams, my feet lead me astray. I plunge into briar thicket on silver shoe and bleed toxicity. Pages torn from books snag on thorn and weep their ink. Thickening, sticky air sticks to my lungs.

The last breath courses through me at midnight. I hear the silver bell chime.

The hollows of my eyes spin with marble. Sweet wine kisses my throat. When I inhale, I taste the world. Its scream turns to song that hangs at my earlobes like earrings made from starshine.

Photo by Jorge Simmons-Valenzuela

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  1. good2begone

    Beautiful imagery and writing.

  2. Aspen Hite

    You have such an incredible way with words. Well done!

  3. Jeff Flesch

    A gorgeous and enchanting write, taking the reader on a trip into lands where human beingness and nature become one, while whispering to us of the nature of reality and the knowingness inside of this “mystery”. A gorgeously crafted and beautifully expressed write, Jaya!

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you so much, Jeff!

      1. Jeff Flesch

        You’re welcome, Jaya. Always!

  4. sejal

    The descriptiveness was really good, I liked the power words that really brought me in. Also love the new blog look, been a while since I last visited!

    sejal |

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Aww, thanks for noticing!

  5. Jenny in Neverland

    Goodness me, Jaya. This was mesmerizing.

  6. D. Wallace Peach

    Phew. That’s so visual and visceral, Jaya. I love the imagery. I’d love to see this. How gorgeous.

  7. Keep Calm & Drink Coffee

    A tale in poetry.
    I lived it instead of reading it.
    Thank You so much Jaya!

  8. Corinne

    Ohh, I love a bit of prose! Great imagery here.

    Corinne x

  9. Ingrid

    Wonderful imagery and word choices, Jaya! 🤩

  10. K.Hartless

    Cosmeticcosmos, amazing ideas, and the the infinite and finite blend really well for me. One to return to and savor. 💜

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you so much!

  11. Cassa Bassa

    Amazing imagery, full of imagination, love the ending paragraph. 💚

    1. taurusingemini

      So very, beautifully, written.

    2. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you, Cassa!

  12. Jodie | That Happy Reader

    “When I inhale I taste the world” – so beautiful! I would love to see the world the way that you do Jaya! The intensity in which you view it is quite amazing!

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Aww, Jodie, this comment makes my day. Thank you!

  13. Michele Lee

    “… like earrings made from starshine.” 🌟 I would like a pair, please. 😁 Jaya, your poetic prose is a magical movie, weaving together many elements of earth, sky, and human experience. A fantastic poetic journey! Thank you. ✨

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you, Michele, for this lovely read!!

      1. Michele Lee

        My privilege and pleasure. 💖 Thank you, Jaya!

  14. Jacqui Murray

    I had to pause early, to look up “Cosmogenous ” and then “knell”. OK, ready for the next words!

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thanks, Jacqui! Love that you learned a few new words today.

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