5 Micropoems Published at The Short of It!

Published on the Short of It

I am so pleased to share five of my micropoems, Leap, Aligning, Straight On, Descent, and Landing, are published at The Short of It!

The Short of It is curated by Susi Bocks at I Write Her, a poetic place for crisp writing that Susi describes as “my humanity in written form”.

The Short of It is Susi’s way of welcoming writers into her world. She searches for writers “who can touch someone’s heart in a meaningful way by leaving the reader saying wow, feeling an epiphany or just loudly internally screaming YES! . . .”

My work has previously been published at The Short of It, and I cannot extend enough gratitude to Susi for sharing my writing and for nurturing a beautiful community for writers.

I envisioned these poems as a series of micropoems that can be read separately yet also come together to form a greater whole. Without further ado, I present you with the first poem in the series published at The Short of It.


My thoughts congeal under a loveless moon.
Where I still have blood to give
I give it. I would rather
Go first than be the one
Left behind to dance alone in the waterfall.

Please read the complete micropoem series here and do feel free to share your beautiful thoughts!

Photo by Niklas Hamann

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  1. Molly | Transatlantic Notes

    I love reading and writing micro poetry, it’s a wonderfully intense way of expressing deep feelings. Your work, as always, is wonderful!

  2. Karima Hoisan

    I enjoyed all 5 and always feel admiration for poets (like yourself) who can paint an entire canvas in only a few well selected lines. Many Congratulations Layla!!

  3. Mike U.

    These five poems are stunningly gorgeous, Layla. Congratulations on the publishing of these tiny masterpieces. 😊

  4. barbaraleaver

    Congratulations Layla. A great achievement!

  5. Baydreamer - Lauren Scott

    Congrats, Layla! They are all beautiful! 💖

  6. Keep Calm & Drink Coffee

    Well deserved dear Layla!
    I love them all: everyone has an element very dear to me.

  7. Kym Gordon Moore

    Well congratulations Layla! Five poems? Girlfriend, do your thing. How awesome! 🤗💖😘👏🏼😍

  8. Pooja G

    That’s so wonderful, I read them on her site a while ago and really enjoyed all five!

  9. Susi Bocks

    Thank you so much for your continued support and contributions to The Short of It, Layla! <3

  10. Jacqui Murray

    You’ve been busy! Very nice.

  11. SelmaMartin

    Thanks, Layla. Just so beautiful. Blessings.

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