Uvalde Bloom

Uvalde Bloom Poem

~In response to the Texas Uvalde shooting.

There is this feeling rocking the world

I cut my hands on its intangibility

Feel its cold roots snake into my stomach and

Plant unwelcome seeds.

We would turn our skin to iridescent shell

If it meant protection against sting.

We would give up on living

If it meant we could retreat into our own

Armored shadow whenever sunlight cut lead.

Give me the courage to strengthen in the face of agony

Face the world with the tools of the present in my hands

Do not make me fight for myself to fight for you

Never tell me to back down.

Photo by Noah Buscher

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  1. utahan15

    killer mad man at eighteen slaughter of all young sons and daughters. how horrid.

  2. Karima Hoisan

    Such a powerful response to this horror among horrors and continuing horrors of death by mass shootings.. You found the words, Jaya and your poem feels straight from your core and your deepest convictions.. The last verse is a war cry unto itself!!

    1. Jaya Avendel

      This read! Love it!! Thank you so much for sharing.

  3. Zoe Meghan Blogs

    Great poem! You are so powerful with your words thank you for sharing!!

  4. Dawn Pisturino

    Amazing poem about a terrible tragedy. And I enjoyed listening to you speak on Gabriela and Ingrid’s anthology discussion. You have a very old soul for 20years old!

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you, Dawn! Love that you enjoyed my words at the event; I had so much fun.

  5. Artist/Poet_JayMoraShihadeh

    Do not make me fight for myself to fight for you

    Never tell me to back down.

    Yes, never! great words. A finely tuned response, to a vicious and horrid atrocity. Well written, Jaya.

  6. Sheri Dye

    Wow.. this is beautiful. Painful. Stunning. Haunting. Intense.
    There is so much here in your words and between them.
    Thank you for sharing this.

  7. Jeff Flesch

    The agony of these atrocities are often intangible, and your words create that feeling and much more, as you walk the reader through sorrow, toward hope in the realization that we can take a stand, can each do something to make a difference each day. I love this poem, Jaya.

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you, Jeff, for this emotional read!

      1. Jeff Flesch

        You’re welcome, Jaya! Always.

  8. Indira

    Very sad incident…read about it in the news! Time to take a strong decision at the higher levels…
    Beautifully written!

    1. Unwanted Life

      With yet another devastating school shooting in America and the inability of the government to do anything about it, the line, “Give me the courage to strengthen in the face of agony” is very apt. It’ll take a monstrous effort to change America to protect the lives of so many innocent children killed, but it’ll be a worthy cause

      1. taurusingemini

        We can only, keep on, reminding ourselves, that, there will, always be, tragedies like this, with innocent lives, taken, and to hope, that, we can, do our, equal, shares, to prevent these things from, recurring, by writing about them, bringing, these, events, to the minds of, others, hoping to, increase the awareness of the world on it.

        1. Jaya Avendel

          Beautifully said!

  9. luisa zambrotta

    Such a powerful poem!

  10. D. Wallace Peach

    The tragedies never end, Jaya. There were 12 mass shootings over the weekend, more children killed. This is insane. “Give me the courage to strengthen in the face of agony” indeed.

  11. Eri Tz

    It is amazing how much beaty can be generated out of such an ugly event. I think this is one of the biggest strengths of art. It can shake the world one word at a time. Loved it Jaya 💜

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you for this absolutely lovely comment, Eri!

  12. Infinite Living

    Deep pain and the power of your words & imagery!! So beautiful.

  13. paeansunplugged

    From despair to strength…I love how the feelings transition, Jaya. ❤️

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you, Punam!

  14. Keep Calm & Drink Coffee

    Your words express all the pain of helplessness and frustration in the face of absurd tragedies.

  15. Eugenia

    A powerful and moving piece, Jaya! Your approach to a difficult subject is beautiful and heartfelt. 🥀

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you, Eugenia!

  16. Daphny Aqua

    Powerfully and beautifully written, captures the scenario perfectly. It saddens me what the world has come to.

  17. Aspen Hite

    Touching. Moving. Beautifully written. Be well.

  18. Nancy Richy

    Brilliant. Just when I though I was finished crying, too. 🌹 🙏🏼 ❤️‍🩹

    1. Jaya Avendel

      😘😫 Sending love your way, Nancy!

  19. Ingrid

    An excellent and timely poem, Jaya!

  20. Jenny in Neverland

    Really beautiful and moving poem, Jaya. Especially given the meaning behind it.

  21. SelmaMartin

    Felt every where, this feeling. Thanks for giving the feeing a voice and wings. Love it. xoxo

    1. Jaya Avendel

      “A voice and wings. . . ” Thank you for sharing this thought, Selma!

  22. Jess Kart

    Beautiful ! There’s so much in the world right now that is hard to wrap your head around, so much that doesn’t seem to make any sense. Got hooked on the last four lines – “Give me… back down.” – and read it more than once. Thanks for sharing.


  23. Dominic Alapat

    Powerful poem Jaya! A courageous response to the Ulvade tragedy! Every line here is so good, though I most love the way it ends with ‘Do not make me fight for myself to fight for you Never tell me to back down.’!

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thanks deeply, Dominic!

  24. michnavs

    This is beautifully written..and yet the story behidnd is so heartbreaking..i can’t find enough courage to write about it…and so i applaud you for this..😊

  25. Charity

    This is so powerful and moving. Thanks so much for sharing!

  26. Lamittan Minsah

    This is an elevating poem, Jaya. No giving up indeed. We keep fighting and we win. 🌺💖

  27. Jodie | That Happy Reader

    So powerful! This was another horrible event. It’s difficult to hear that the US has had over 200 mass shootings so far in 2022 – not only the handful we hear about. I loved this piece so much- particularly “Do not make me fight for myself to fight for you”. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you for sharing these thoughts with me, Jodie!

  28. Michele Lee

    Jaya, your poem shows a speaker not resting in complacency and offers an insightful poetic perspective on pain, felt universally. 🌹💔🌹

    1. Jaya Avendel

      I was very curious to hear your thoughts on this one, Michele, so I just loved reading this! Thank you.

      1. Michele Lee

        A most difficult subject, but I loved reading your poem and appreciate how you present widely written about topics in your unique writer way.

  29. Lauren

    Your words are great, your words create beautiful imagery! Talented as always. Thank you for sharing Jaya!


  30. Michelle (Boomer Eco Crusader)

    Love this! “We would turn our skin to iridescent shell If it meant protection against sting”. Sadly, there is no hard shell against the harsh reality of the world.

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Right you are, Michelle! Thank you for sharing your thoughts. 🥰

  31. Cindy Georgakas

    past this on to my dear friend who is from there and has family there now,, They of course are reeling of course.

    1. Jaya Avendel

      I am so delighted by this news, Cindy! I hope your friends find a little comfort in these words.

      1. Cindy Georgakas

        Oh I’m so glad.. I know they will! 💖💖 thanks a lot.

  32. Cindy Georgakas

    You’ve done it again Jaya!
    brilliant lines getting to the root of the matter.
    Powerful last stanza:
    “Face the world with the tools of the present in my hands

    Do not make me fight for myself to fight for you

    Never tell me to back down.:

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