It’s My Birthday Book Blog Tag

It's My Birthday Blog Tag

It has been too long since I was part of a blogging tag, so I am so grateful Daphny nominated me for the It’s My Birthday Tag! Daphny’s blog, the Introvert Writer, is an emotional journal of poetry that is special to read. Do visit her site and find a poem to love!

The It’s My Birthday Book Tag

The It’s My Birthday Book Tag was created by ReadBetwixtWords in celebration of the blogger, Sheri Dye’s, birthday. I would like to thank Sheri for creating this tag and helping send it out into the world.

I do not normally do book tags as I do not fancy myself an avid reader, but this tag is too fun to pass up. It uses books as an extension of self. Although my birthday is not until August (I will be twenty!), I feel like now is a good time to share this.


It's My Birthday Tag

The Secret Life of Albert Entwistle by Matt Cain

Three months before his sixty-fifth birthday, Albert receives a letter from the Royal Mail thanking him for decades of service and stating that he is being forced into retirement. At once, Albert’s simple life unravels. He has no friends, family, or hobbies–just a past he never speaks of, and a lost love that fills him with regret. And so, rather than continue his lonely existence, Albert forms a brave plan to start truly living, to be honest about who he is . . . and to find George, the man with whom he spent one perfect spring and summer long ago.

This book reminds me of A Man Called Ove, a story I truly loved, so I would love to delve into this beautiful story about living boldly and remedying past mistakes!


Blackbirch: The Beginning Cover

Blackbirch: The Beginning by K.M Allan

My sisters gave the first two books in this series (I am eagerly waiting for the third installment) for my 18th birthday. I love these stories. The books blend magical realism with relatable characters and prose-like writing to deliver an immersive reading experience!

Read my reviews of The Beginning and The Dark Half!


It's My Birthday Tag

Birthday Letters by Ted Hughes

The poems in Birthday Letters are addressed to Plath, and were written over a period of more than twenty-five years, the first a few years after her suicide in 1963. Some are love letters, others haunted recollections and ruminations. In them, Hughes recalls his and Plath’s time together, drawing on the powerful imagery of his work–animal, vegetable, mythological–as well as on Plath’s famous verse.

This book sounds simple and emotional! It is the kind of book I would read slowly, page by page.


It's My Birthday Tag

Little Women by Louisa May Alcott

I love this book and it is one of my comfort reads. Whether I am simply reading a specific chapter or sitting down to read the novel from cover to cover again, this is a book I will forever love. Jo March’s passion for writing mirrors my own and, in her, I first saw my love of writing explored.

None of the March sisters are my age when the book begins, but each of the sisters reach the age of twenty by the time the book ends.


It's My Birthday Blog Tag

The Dry Grass of August by Anna Jean Mayhew

On a scorching day in August 1954, thirteen-year-old Jubie Watts leaves Charlotte, North Carolina, with her family for a Florida vacation. Crammed into the Packard along with Jubie are her three siblings, her mother, and the family’s black maid, Mary Luther. Bright and curious, Jubie takes note of the anti-integration signs they pass, and of the racial tension that builds as they journey further south. But she could never have predicted the shocking turn their trip will take. Now, in the wake of tragedy, Jubie must confront her parents’ failings and limitations, decide where her own convictions lie, and make the tumultuous leap to independence.

I have always loved books set in the American South. Stories that explore racism and segregation especially fascinate me, as I find so much strength, compassion, and determination in the characters.


It's My Birthday Blog Tag

The Tattooist of Auschwitz by Heather Morris

There was a time when I could not escape the influence of this book! Every book blogger I encountered was reading it and raving about it.

I picked up a copy at my library and read it and I was extremely disappointed. The story felt like a love story that just happened to be set in a concentration camp. The surrounding details were vague, the emotion felt disjointed, and nowhere was I shocked or horrified by the trauma.


It's My Birthday Tag

Kisses and Croissants by Annie-Sophie Jouhanneau

I am cheating a little here and broadening this question out to be more food-oriented. For all y’all hardcore people, you can imagine there is a cake in the basket!

Mia Jenrow has always known she’s destined to be a professional ballerina. In fact, it’s in her blood. Her parents say it’s just a fantasy, but to Mia it’s so much more than that. Mia is planning to spend a magical summer in France pursuing her dream, but as she pirouettes into Paris, she soon realizes it may be a bit more complicated than she hoped.


It's My Birthday Tag

Running with Scissors by Augusten Burroughs

Running with Scissors is the true story of a boy whose mother gave him away to be raised by her unorthodox psychiatrist. At the age of twelve, Burroughs found himself amidst Victorian squalor living with the doctor’s bizarre family, and befriending a pedophile who resided in the backyard shed. The story of an outlaw childhood where rules were unheard of, Valium was consumed like candy, and if things got dull an electroshock- therapy machine could provide entertainment. The funny, harrowing and bestselling account of an ordinary boy’s survival under the most extraordinary circumstances.

This book reminds me of every sad child abuse narrative I have read. These kinds of stories are such breaking stories, yet also a lovely stories of survival and eventual healing!


P. L. Travers was born August 9th, 1899. She was an Australian-British author who was best known for her Mary Poppins series. She lived for more than a decade with Madge Burnand, daughter of Sir Francis Burnand, a playwright and the former editor of Punch. They shared a London flat from 1927 to 1934, then moved to Pound Cottage near Mayfield, East Sussex. Here Travers published the first of the Mary Poppins books.

It's My Birthday Tag

At the age of 40, two years after moving out on her own, Travers adopted a baby boy from Ireland whom she named Camillus Travers. He was the grandchild of Joseph HoneW. B. Yeats‘ first biographer, who was raising his seven grandchildren with his wife. Camillus was unaware of his true parentage or the existence of any siblings until the age of 17, when Anthony Hone, his twin brother, came to London and knocked on the door of Travers’s house at 50 Smith Street, Chelsea. He had been drinking and demanded to see his brother. Travers refused and threatened to call the police. Anthony left but, soon after, following an argument with Travers, Camillus went looking for his brother and found him in a pub on King’s Road. Anthony had been fostered and raised by the family of the essayist Hubert Butler in Ireland. Through Camillus, Travers had three grandchildren.

Although some may say Travers lived a relatively simple life, she lived to be 96. I love that her life and the life of her adopted son touched with other well-known literary names!


It's My Birthday Tag

My birthday is set in one of the hottest months of the year, so I look forward to eating something light followed by a cold dessert! I know my mum will make the food, and my sister makes the best desserts. She has a real passion for food and is planning on going to culinary school!

My 20th is going to be extremely bittersweet this year. I know my family will make the day amazing, and I will cherish it more than I usually do because I am headed to college this fall! I am planning a post to share where I am going and what I will be studying (can you guess?) for the near future, so stay tuned! For a sooner mini update, subscribe to my newsletter!

I have had so much fun writing the It’s My Birthday Tag and I hope you loved reading it.

I Tag

I no longer list all my nominees by name. I believe many people end up not receiving the recognition they deserve, so I leave this as an open nomination. If you find the It’s My Birthday Tag interesting, you are nominated!

I know I still feel shy about accepting open invitations to nominations, so I understand if you are hesitating. Be bold! Make a statement! You deserve this.

Photo by Bruce Tang

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  1. schmitztimo

    I just missed that post, I’m sorry. Happy birthday to you, Jaya!

  2. readandreviewit1

    This is such a lovely tag! My birthday was actually just last week so I wish I’d known about it before, haha – but there’s always next year! I love your picks here, Little Women is one of my favourite classics and Kisses And Croissants seems like something I’d really enjoy! Thank you so much for sharing, and happy early birthday x

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you so much!

  3. Keep Calm & Drink Coffee

    What a nice idea this of the books with reference to the birthday!
    The books you have proposed are very interesting. I have certainly found ideas to explore.

  4. Lisa

    What a lovely book tag, quite different from the usual ones you see everywhere. Some years ago my Book Group set a theme of choosing books that were published in our birth years and it was wonderful to read a lot of older books that we wouldn’t otherwise have picked up. Happy birthday in advance, Jaya! x

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thanks a million, Lisa!

  5. Raji (@journeyintofantasy)

    What a fun tag! Happy birthday in advance Jaya, and wishing you all the best for college!

  6. Daphny Aqua

    It was my pleasure dear and I had so much fun reading this through, I am definitely adding some of this books to my list for sure and good luck on college, in case I forget happy birthday in advance 😊💞

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you deeply, Daphny!

  7. Deeksha Bhardwaj

    Happiest Birthday to you, Jaya😄💫

  8. Lauren

    A lovely blogger tag! I haven’t done a tag in a long time. But they are always fun to do! The questions are great. I like that you had to do research like an author with the same birthday etc. Thank you for sharing Jaya.

    Lauren x

  9. johncoyote

    Happy Belated birthday dear friend. I appreciate you and I love your work.

  10. Eugenia

    Happy Birthday, Jaya, and much success for college. I had no idea you were so young because you seem very mature and sophisticated. My birthday is in June, as well. ❤️

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you, Eugenia! Early Happy Birthday!

      1. Eugenia

        Thank you, Jaya!

  11. K.M. Allan

    What a fun tag, Jaya! Thank you for including my books. I’m so happy to hear they were given to you as a birthday present that you enjoyed so much. I’m doing my best to get the third one out really soon, and hopefully it will be in time for your upcoming birthday 😊. Sounds like you’re gearing up for some special and exciting times ahead. Best of luck with college!

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thanks a million! May the words flow. 🥰

  12. Michele Lee

    Jaya, I am excited to read about your college plans! You will be studying engineering, right? 😉 Soon, you will be leaving the teenage years behind. 😁 Your special day will be amazing! 🎂 I appreciate the effort you put into this entertaining reading post. 📚

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Definitely, Michele, I have always loved engineering! 🤣

      Love that you enjoyed this very early birthday post! It was a great deal of fun to write.

      1. Michele Lee

        😂 Engineering the right words, I suppose. 😊 I think the prompts are creative and challenging. You did a wonderful and thorough job responding! 🙌🏻

  13. Annabel

    Happy birthday and many more happy returns, dear Jaya!🌷🥳🎊 you are an old soul who writes deep, meaningful and beautiful 💗

    1. Jaya Avendel

      This wonderful observation means so much to me! Thank you, Annabel.

  14. SelmaMartin

    An early birthday sentiment, Jaya: Happy Birthday, young lady.
    College? Wow! You got this!
    And I totally enjoyed reading this post. Wow- you read a lot.
    I will pass on this. I’d give the tag a bad name. Carry on, carry on good people. 💗
    All the best. Xoxo

    1. Jaya Avendel

      🤣 I did not think I would be able to cough up enough books, but I made it!

  15. Jodie | That Happy Reader

    Happy Birthday Jaya! I can’t believe you’re only 20 and haven’t graduated university yet! I just assumed you were a decade older with a MFA based on your beautiful poetry! Good luck in college- I look forward to following your journey.

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Aww, thank you, Jodie! Your words warm my heart.

  16. Jacqui Murray

    A couple of those would be a bit tricky to figure out–an author who shares your birthday? I sure don’t have that answer!

  17. Ingrid

    Happy Birthday, Jaya, and all the best for college! 🎂🥳

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