Blogger Recognition Award No. 2!

Blogger Recognition Award

I am delighted to have been nominated for the Blogger Recognition Award and extend my thanks to Ariel from The Book View for this amazing nomination! Ariel shares honest and inspiring book reviews and never fails to share new books and authors, so be sure to visit her world of words.

About This Award:

This award is given to bloggers by bloggers, who in turn pass it on to their fellow bloggers. The Award promotes community and shows us just how far one little thing can go as each nominee shares the love further.

Blogger Recognition Award Logo


  1. Thank the person who nominated you and include the link to their site.
  2. Post the award banner somewhere on your blog.
  3. Share the reason why you started your blog.
  4. Share two pieces of advice that could benefit new bloggers.
  5. Nominate a maximum of fifteen other bloggers.
  6. Tell your nominees about your award post so they can participate!

Why I blog

I am writer. I have always been a writer. I started Nin Chronicles because I have something to say. Through my love of sharing what I write and my greater love of writing, Nin Chronicles grew from an un-focused jumble of bad haikus and scribbled thoughts on family into what you see now.

I say writers are parents as a tribute to those people who put their heart not only into their words but also into their families.

Two Pieces of Advice for New Bloggers

  • Blog because you love it. The pressure to do as well as bigger bloggers is pressure we all end up putting on ourselves. Be here not for the money or the stats or the gifted products, but for sharing what you believe in and love. This does not mean you should not work towards building a community and achieving your blogging dreams. You should, but do it for the right reasons. Also remember to be proud of yourself every time you achieve something.
  • Do not force yourself into things. I should have a newsletter. I want to have a newsletter but the reality is I do not have time to create and write a newsletter. So I do not have a newsletter right now. And that is okay. Do what you have time for and do not guilt yourself for what you cannot do right now. All things are worked toward.

Read my previous Blogger Recognition Award post for two past pieces of advice for new bloggers!


I want to nominate my nominees differently than I usually do. Normally I create a list of set people to receive this award. In doing so, I probably miss out on sharing the recognition with many of you who are tirelessly working at your writing and pouring your hearts into your words. So this time I open the Blogger Recognition Award doors to you all.

If you are reading this, you are nominated.

I know I often feel shy and undeserving of accepting open invitations to nominations from fellow bloggers, so I know you are hesitating.

Stop hesitating! You deserve this.

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  3. Tangie T. Woods

    Congratulations on your award nomination and remain safe.

  4. lifestyleseason

    Congrats on being nominated! Loved reading this and great advice!

  5. alexfaithwrites

    Great post! I love finding out more about the blogger behind the blog!

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you! I love the little things people share in award posts.

  6. Hayley

    Congratulations Jaya! 🙂 I completely agree with the advice you’ve given here – it’s so easy to get side-tracked by what others are doing or telling you that you should do that you quickly lose sight of why you started. Authentic content creation, passion for what you do and personal meaningful goals are what matters most in my opinion. 🙂

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts, Hayley! I love that you connected with this.

  7. glowsteady

    I completely agree with not forcing yourself into things, it’s never as good as it should be when you really don’t want to do it, and 100% post about things that you enjoy. Great advice x

  8. nianni

    Congratulations on your award nomination 💯
    I love the advice you gave. It’s important for us not to stress ourselves or be hard on ourselves and also to reward ourselves for the little things we accomplish.

  9. Keep Calm & Drink Coffee

    Congratulations and thanks a lot for the inclusion.
    Your heart is so GREAT to be able to include all of us.
    I will keep your advices as very dear to me together with the previous and with the words with which you encouraged me.
    A strong embrace

    1. Jaya Avendel

      I love being able to share the love with my fellow writers and am delighted to have encouraged and inspired you!

  10. barbaraleaver

    Congratulations – well deserved!

  11. Jenny in Neverland

    Congrats on being nominated again! 🙂 Blog about what you love definitely resonates with me right now!

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you, Jenny, for connecting with this!

  12. Lisa's Notebook

    Congratulations on another blogging award and I absolutely LOVE your advice. It’s easy to get sucked into thinking we need to do certain things with our blogs but you’re right, Jaya, “Do what you have time for and do not guilt yourself for what you cannot do right now.” Perfect 🙂 x

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Love that you loved this, Lisa! 🙂

  13. Kelly Diane

    Congratulations on your award, it is highly deserved. I love reading posts like this because you get to explore a person’s thoughts and get to know them a bit better.

    1. Jaya Avendel

      I love award posts for that reason as well. It is awesome to get to know more about the person behind the words.

  14. booksforall93

    Congratulations! That’s amazing and definitely deserved! X

  15. paeansunplugged

    Congratulations, Jaya! Good advice.

  16. Navita Bhatia

    I so loved this candid post!! Being a writer is one of the most beautiful feelings, if you love sharing what is inside you!!

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Beautifully expressed, Navita, thank you!

  17. Stuart Danker

    Oh for sure. You’d have better chances of striking the lottery than to earn a living through blogging. I’ve had a couple friends tell me they want to get into it just to earn the cash, but they never ever get started because their actual interest isn’t there.
    It’s taught me not to value anything just for the money it brings. Anyway, thanks for this!

    1. Jaya Avendel

      I love what you say about valuing things beyond their monetary value. 🙂

  18. Merry

    Congrats, love! You’re awesome xxx

  19. Anika May

    Congratulations again! That’s lovely to hear. And great tips!
    Anika |

  20. besondersite

    Congratulations Jaya! 😊

  21. Brin

    Congratulations!! Thanks a real bunch for the advice. Especially the one about the pressure we put on ourselves. It’s easy to forget that.

    1. Jaya Avendel

      It is too easy to forget! Glad you took something away from this. 🙂

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