Three Poems Published at FERAL: a journal of poetry and art.

Feral Poetry Journal

I am eager to share three of my poems, Rabid, Body Positivity, and Seedling are published in the eighth issue of FERAL: a journal of poetry and art.

FERAL is a courageous exploration of the creative and raw truths words give birth to, as well as a refreshing look at how artwork and writing influence and complement their interpretations of each other.

After spending five days in bed with body aches and a fever, I started to feel a little feral, especially in my wandering thoughts, dreams, and mindset. And, while it is not the rebalance I would choose, it was a ripe cleansing that leaves me open to new artistic interpretation and literary experimentation.

I like a little wildness, especially in finding the courage to speak a scarred truth. Going from rabid to admiring the beauty of a tiny seedling is meditative, dangerous, and climactic. The poets within Issue Eight explore their truths and share gutting stories in language so lifting it explodes on the tongue.

I invite you to enjoy Rabid, Body Positivity, and Seedling and give in, if only briefly, to your daring side.

The following is an excerpt of my poem, Rabid

He builds boats and 
Teaches gentlemen how to scull
Because the river 
Is too long 
For him to search 
Alone for her
. . . please continue reading here and feel free to share your beautiful thoughts!

Cover Art: Eruption by John Dorroh

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  1. barbaraleaver

    Congratulations. one poem getting published is amazing but 3 is awesome!

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you! It was a pleasant triple-acceptance surprise. 🙂

  2. Corinne

    Lovely pieces! I really loved ‘body positivity’. I feel like I could’ve written that myself.
    Corinne x

  3. vanninilathavan

    Very good article!

  4. Sara James

    All your poems are heartfelt; the way you have mixed your thoughts with the group thinking in body positivity and ended with self-love, pour your heart into the Rabid, and expressed your anxieties in the seedlings, is remarkable.
    Glad that you are feeling better now; stay healthy and happy; congrats on getting published, again Jaya 🙂 xx

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you, Sara, for sharing your thoughts on the ways these three poems interact as a whole! <3

  5. Raji (@journeyintofantasy)

    Congratulations Jaya! All three of these are wonderful, and I liked Rabid the best!

  6. Jodie | That Happy Reader

    Although I enjoyed each of these poems, I am particularly drawn to Rabid. Perhaps it’s the romantic in me! Thanks for sharing.

  7. Diana

    That’s so wonderful, Jaya! Congratulations. All the three poems are beautiful and poignant. Stay blessed ❤️❤️🌻

  8. Charity

    Congratulations on these published poems! That is so exciting and so deserving my friend!

  9. Artist/Poet_JayMoraShihadeh

    Great job, I love these poems. Congrats on the publication.

  10. glowsteady

    Sorry you haven’t been feeling well but I love how you managed to draw on your experience to create something like this. Congratulations on getting another three poems published, so well deserved x

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thanks kindly, Sophie! I am feeling much better now. <3

  11. Jeff Flesch

    My, all three of these poems are raw and powerful, Jaya. I particularly like how you’ve incorporate the body, in various forms, in all three poems. I get heart, desire, passion, pain, pleasure, love, heartache, and much more from the collective. Congrats on the pub!

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you, Jeff, for sharing your incredible read of this poems! I love the way you found a common theme among them.

      1. Jeff Flesch

        You’re most welcome, Jaya!

  12. Elle

    Wow, go you! I’m so happy you’ve had 3 poems published, congrats! These are so touching. I love reading your poems Xo
    Elle –

  13. Kelly Diane

    I hope you’re feeling better. Its great that you were able to draw on how you were feeling and create such a great poem. Congratulations on three being published, that’s amazing.

  14. Riana.AngCanning

    Congratulations! That’s so awesome that you got three poems published. Wonderful that your work is out there. And hope you’re feeling better too!

  15. Melissa Kacar

    Congratulations on having these three poems published! I read all three and they all convey such powerful emotion and strong imagery in their own ways. I was especially drawn to the last lines of Body Positivity when you wrote, “The more I stared, the more I knew myself, I became mesmerizing”. Beautiful work as always! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you so much, Melissa, for sharing your favorite connection!

  16. Anika

    Three in one issues?! That’s awesome, congratulations! Sounds like an issue full of emotional texts too, I’ll definitely check it out.

    1. Jaya Avendel

      It is a lovely issue, Anika, and I hope you find a plethora of writing to enjoy. 🙂

  17. Della Driscoll

    Congratulations, this is amazing!! You have a beautiful way with words xx

  18. Brooke Ressell

    Wow! Good for you. You are doing amazing things.

  19. Jess Kart

    Congratulations Jaya!
    Loved all three poems. If I have to rank them in order of preference, there would be no numbers two and three. Brilliant. One line stood out for me though: “My bones were white under all that blood.” It reminded me – don’t know why because there is no obvious connection – of a CS Lewis line in one of his books that went something like, “it was so cold, it burnt.”
    Anyway, it was wonderful reading the works of a writer in her prime. Thanks for sharing xx

    1. Jaya Avendel

      I am honored to have a line from my writing compared to a memory of C.S Lewis’s work! Thank you so much for sharing your reading experience. 😍

  20. lynnmumbingmejia

    Congratulations on getting published, Jaya! Your writing is always so delightful to read and interpret! I’ve never heard of the platform FERAL before so I’ll need to check it out! xx
    Lynn |

  21. Ingrid

    Three wonderful poems thoroughly deserving of publication Jaya! I think my favourite was ‘Body Positivty’ for its unsettling combination of gore and female strength. I hope you are recovered from your illness now!

    1. Jaya Avendel

      I am recovered now, thank you, Ingrid, and love your experience of ‘Body Positivity’. Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts!

  22. Love and Literature

    Congratulations Jaya, such an incredible achievement! x

  23. Keep Calm & Drink Coffee

    First of all let me tell you how much I am sorry for you five bad days with fever and aches. A huge embrace <3
    Then, again best compliments for this new success! You deserve it so much!
    Among the three poems I loved particularly Seeding because I simply adore the idea of last love left can bloom.
    Even against wicked thoughts sneaking out while no one is watching.
    THANK YOU so much.

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you for your well wishes, Claudia! Your support was a big help in my recovery.
      Love that you loved Seedling for the very reason I wrote it! <3

  24. gemmaajaynee

    Congrats on being published! And thank you for sharing those wonderful poems, that body positivity one really touched me and I am still on a journey of exploring that inner beauty so that poem just connected with me the most. x

  25. Lisa's Notebook

    Congrats on being published in another publication, Jaya! Oddly enough, out of all three poems, the one that resonates with me most is Body Positivity (I was expecting it to be Seedling). I love all your writing but that poem is so raw, I love the idea that if we really go within we can become captivated by our own beauty. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Jaya Avendel

      I am delighted that Body Positivity resonated with you, Lisa, in the way it did. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!

  26. Frank @ Beach Walk Reflections

    Great news … and always good to be noticed …. well, in a good way. 🙂

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Definitely so, Frank!

  27. Andrew McDowell


  28. eob2

    Absolutely wonderful pieces Jaya. Congratulations yet again! 😊💙🎉

  29. my valiant soul


  30. Susi Bocks

    Woo Hoo, congratulations, Jaya! 🙂

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