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Written Art Poem

When the first printing press

Burst into existence

All metal and mortgage

The storytellers found themselves naked

Robbed of the word on their lips.

The Mongols learned from the Greeks

Who learned from the Egyptians

Who learned from the ink that is

Life’s blood and the

Papyrus shoots that

Shape the womb of the Nile.

The world turned to the divine

As in art

As in one form of

Universal language.

Photo by Scott Webb

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  1. Susi Bocks

    Wonderful writing, Jaya! You’ve captured the evolution of thought and expression so well! <3

  2. Infinite Living

    Magical & Splendid!

  3. Raji (@journeyintofantasy)

    This is such an interesting piece Jaya! The advent of the printing press did take away a lot from of traditional storytellers and I love how you’ve depicted that here!

  4. Jeff Flesch

    This poem speaks to me of the power and universality of the language of the heart. For, we are all truly of one heart. Gorgeous write, Jaya! ❤️

  5. Jodie | That Happy Reader

    Words can be so powerful as you’ve demonstrated here Jaya. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Her Digital Coffee

    What a lovely piece! I love that it references Egypt.The imagery is so beautiful. As always, touching work Jaya!

  7. Lauren

    This is such a well written piece Jaya! A great relatable post for writers. Thank you for sharing.

    Lauren x

  8. Cindy Georgakas

    Hey Jaya, I know I’ll love it but when I click on… it’s not there?

    💖 do tell…

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Sorry to be foolish about this, but what is not there?

      1. Cindy Georgakas

        Not at all when I went on the site nothing else was on there? I will try again. 💖💖

  9. A Sustainably Simple Life

    I love the printed word so much that I don’t think I’ve ever stopped to think about what it was like when the printing press came onto the scene. “Metal and mortgage” has such a cumbersome feel to it and I’m thinking how I feel taken on a journey when listening to spoken word. I’ll still be grateful for words in print, but this was a fun flip of perspective for me 🙂

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Love the way this poem evoked so much in you. Thank you for sharing!!

  10. Ebitimi Creates

    I had to research a few words to fully understand😅 and as always Jaya, you have used your words magically.

  11. Jacqui Murray

    What a clever way to discuss the printing press. It did damage the art of storytelling, didn’t it.

  12. Deeksha Bhardwaj

    A powerful and profound piece, Jaya👌🏼✨

  13. hanmorris97

    What a great piece of poetry, truly thought provoking. Thank you for sharing xx

    Hannah |

  14. Michele Lee

    This is gorgeous, Jaya! You have accomplished many things with this piece. 👏🏻 I watched a movie last night that focused on how important language is to a culture and the ever-changing nature of language, including disappearing languages. Your poem, with the brilliant conclusion, reminded me of that.

    1. Jaya Avendel

      I love that this came to you are such a perfect time! This piece took quite some time to name, but it and the narrative were inspired by a book I happened to chance across about the origins of writing in the context of art. 🥰

      1. Michele Lee

        Perfect timing, yes. I love when that happens! Maybe it took longer to name because it is so special, it had to be just right. A wonderful inspiration. 🥰

  15. D. Wallace Peach

    Lovely, Jaya. I can’t resist poetry about the power of ink. 🙂

  16. Daphny Aqua

    I love the art that is well crafted into words in this one, it blend in so well with picture of art taken. 💖

  17. Eugenia

    This is absolutely beautiful, Jaya! Spilling our ink brings magic into lives.

    1. Jaya Avendel

      How right you are, Eugenia!

  18. Stephanie

    This is absolutely my favorite piece that you’ve shared so far! As a writer myself, it spoke to me. Beautifully written as always!

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you, Stephanie!

  19. Jenny in Neverland

    Wow, beautiful. This really captures the power of words.

  20. paeansunplugged

    From the spoken to the written traversed through ages with a poet’s eyes.

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you for such a lovely comment, Punam!

  21. gemmaajaynee

    Again your wonderful and beautiful way with words has encaptivated me. I love how I felt the connectivity. It is always brilliant how writing can be interpreted differently by different people and I love that.

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you, Gemma!

  22. readandreviewit1

    This is such a wonderful piece! I love the theme of everyone being connected through poetry and language, that’s such an important idea. Thank you so much for sharing x

  23. Ingrid

    Wonderful! I remember learning about Caxton and the first English printing press, and how Tindall produced the first printed Bible in English…

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Love that this reminded you of that earlier learning experience!

  24. Lisa's Notebook

    A beautiful poem to remind us of the power and magic of words to shape our lives, Jaya. Sad for the storytellers but the advent of the printing press has brought the written word to so many more of us. Love the “metal and mortgage” phrase!

    1. Jaya Avendel

      That is one of my favorite lines, Lisa! 😘

  25. Keep Calm & Drink Coffee

    Ink as life blood is a metaphor that strikes me and that is imprinted like a tattoo on my skin.

    1. Jaya Avendel

      How gorgeously you say this, Claudia!

  26. Lamittan Minsah

    This is a wonderful memory about how the whole idea of writing started. Now at least we can write often and share knowledge more.

  27. Ananda

    You are a sorceress, spellbinding us with your words ❤

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you deeply, Ananda!

  28. jahnavigouri13

    That was really a powerful and touching piece! Loved and enjoyed reading this!👏🏻👏🏻

  29. Dominic Alapat

    Your poem reminds us that poetry is born in magic!

  30. K.Hartless

    Beautiful. You remind us what the printed word is capable of: birth, love, and universal connectivity. 👏🏼👏🏼

  31. barbaraleaver

    A thought provoking piece. I felt the storytellers fear of losing their voice.

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