‘O Clock’ Published at Free Verse Revolution!

O Clock Poem Published

It seems it cannot rain but it must pour; only last week Self Isolation was published at Brave and Reckless and this week I am happy to share that my poem, O’ Clock, was accepted for publication at Free Verse Revolution!

I love seeing new and old poetic faces among the poets at Free Verse Revolution, where the poems celebrate the revolutions within ourselves and am honored to have my work shared among them.

When others love my writing as much as I enjoyed writing it, I am reminded of what it means to be a writer. Writing is minuscule emotions built up to seem big. Writing is taking a piece of yourself and turning it naked to see the world. Writing is sharing the  worlds hidden inside of us.

Writing constantly changes. When I look back at poems and stories I have written over the years, often I cringe (surely we all have done this) because what I am writing now seems so much better then writing of the past. But old writing is precious and beautiful for it is the building blocks that lead us to now.

Therefor, since it is laced with themes of time, I invite you to enjoy O’ Clock.

These blossoms are mirages

Rippling in the sand

Pouring through the 

Fine waist of an hourglass.

These thorns are memories

Collecting in crystalline fragments

Breaking in the basin of time.

These petals are wishes

Drifting into a circus of thought

Caught between now and then.

Please do share your beautiful thoughts!

Photo by Aron Visuals on Unsplash

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  1. aimsysantics

    What a beautiful verse, and well done again for having another piece published!
    I know exactly what you mean about looking at past writing and cringing, but I guess it just shows how you have developed and improved. Always good to reflect!
    Thanks for sharing 🙂
    Aimsy xoxo
    Aimsy’s Antics

    1. Jaya Avendel

      I think reflection is one of my favorite past-times. 🙂

  2. Wordcipher

    I love the imagery, the hourglass, the brush strokes that reveal the little details that bring out the beauty of your poem

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you so much! I loved writing this piece. 🙂

      1. Wordcipher

        Most welcome Jaya, I enjoyed reading as well

  3. Nancy

    It is great when you get to see your work being featured, and even more when other writers are getting publication too. I feel you about looking at old work and cringing. That is how I feel with some old my prior work too. That is because you know you are better now! These works are the things that helped you become better :).
    Nancy ♥ exquisitely.me

    1. Jaya Avendel

      That is how I feel about old writing to! I try to leave it alone knowing it helped shape what I write now. 🙂

  4. short-prose-fiction

    That’s so lovely Java. Heartfelt congratulations.

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you for your kind words!

      1. short-prose-fiction

        My pleasure sweetheart.

  5. Susi Bocks

    Congratulations, Jaya! 🙂

  6. glowsteady

    Congratulations on getting another piece accepted, it seems like a really great time for your writing! I can totally relate to the cringing when you look back on older pieces but I guess they help make and shape what you have today x

    1. Jaya Avendel

      It was a good week for my writing! And thank you for sharing your thoughts on looking back on old writing!

  7. SpiritedSoul

    Congrats for u 👏👏

  8. Lisa's Notebook

    I know exactly what you mean about cringing when you look back on old writings but that they are still valuable because they are personal. And I’d also like to offer something that I’ve discovered too: writing is a muscle and you need to exercise it every day 🙂 Congrats on being accepted at FVR, Jaya, that’s amazing! x

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thanks so much for sharing the wisdom you have uncovered on your writing journey! I write every day, even if it is just one line. 😉

  9. paeansunplugged

    Congratulations Jaya. It is a beautiful verse.

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you so much!

  10. eob2

    Congratulations dear! 🎉

  11. PhilippaClaire

    What a lovely poem! And seems to resonate a lot in the current climate.
    You are right about writing. It is like putting a very personal part of yourself out into the world, no matter what it is you’re writing about! Thank you for sharing 🙂

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thanks so much! I love that you understand my bit about sharing a part of yourself when writing. 🙂

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