‘Lost or Found’ Published at Whispers & Echoes Magazine!

Lost Or Found Haiku

I have been aware of this delightful, whimsical, poetic magazine for some time now so, when the magazine put out a call for haikus’ on hope, I was inspired to respond.

Given that I have a section dedicated to haikus, you can probably guess I love to tell stories with as few as seventeen syllables, for that is what a haiku is: it is a Japanese structured poem, consisting of five syllables in the first line, seven in the second, and five syllables in the final line. Haiku’s are also usually themed around nature, but I sometimes bend that rule.

Whispers and Echoes is an online journal sharing short fiction and poetry. With a name that reflects its love for unheard or previously silent thoughts, I am delighted to have my poem included among their artfully crafted pieces by other writers.

For many people, journaling is the way to go when it comes to working through their emotions and finding little things to be grateful for.

Since I have so many thoughts on what is happening in the world right now, writing is my favorite way to work through emotions and decide how I feel about something. Writing is also another way I work to understand issues I feel confused about; telling a story through poetry or prose helps me see the problem from as many different angles as needed.

Find it in the blue . . . please continue reading here. Since I wrote Lost or Found a while back, re-reading its three lines now gives me a new experience of the haiku. I would love to know your experience of the poem!

Photo by Alan Carrillo on Unsplash

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  1. ‘Hope’ Published at Whispers & Echoes! – Nin Chronicles

    […] my previous poems, Lost or Found and Walk, Hope is a haiku focusing on the flip side of hope. Traditional haikus are meant to be […]

  2. cherbelle

    Loved this post. Writing is truly so therapeutic and I’m so glad it’s that way for you too. Beautiful piece.

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you! 💖

  3. paeansunplugged

    Congratulations, Jaya! It is a beautiful haiku. I have always admired how you pack so much in seventeen syllables .

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you for your beautiful words!

      1. paeansunplugged

        You are so welcome. 🙂

  4. petitehappenings

    Congratulations! Your work has always been so full of thought and meaning.

  5. Nancy

    Congratulations on another publication! Love that your work keeps finding different channels to be published on! Writing is a great way to get your thoughts out in a creative way. Sometimes, we have a different method of communicating how we feel, and this is where writing kicks in.
    Nancy ♥ exquisitely.me

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Beautifully said~

  6. gabbyabigailll

    I love haikus! I’m definitely going to check yours out. Congratulations on another publication, you deserve it so much. Your writing is beautiful. I also enjoy journaling, especially in times like these. To me, it’s the perfect outlet to brain dump. I think it’s so awesome that you use poetry to express your emotions!
    Much love always,

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you so much for your kind words! I love how you describe journaling as a brain dump. 🙂

  7. Helen

    Wow, congratulations!! Such an amazing gift to be able to share your thoughts through poetry.
    I too love journaling for making sense of my thoughts, what is going on with the world and a place to feel gratitude. Just makes you see things so much clearer afterwards 🙂
    Lots of love, Helen x

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you for sharing your thoughts! I love that writing also helps you make sense of your thoughts.

  8. Chris - CJ Attractions Guide

    Totally agree about writing, it allows you to get all your thoughts and emotions out!

  9. Unwanted Life

    Congratulations on getting another one of your poems showcased, I popped over to check it out and it was a really awesome poem

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Aww, thank you so much!

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you so much for your kind nomination!

      1. Shanyu

        My pleasure 😊

  10. Single Mom Chapters

    Congratulations! I’m so happy for you ❤️ I totally relate with you. Writing helps work through emotions.

  11. diaryofagaydad.net

    Really informative Jaya. Now I know the Haiku poem. Thank you for clearing up my naivety! 😁

  12. Lisa's Notebook

    Congratulations on getting your haiku published, that’s wonderful! And I loved it, I think it’s amazing how much meaning you’re able to pack into so few words and syllables, you’re so talented, Jaya 🙂 Lisa x

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thanks for making me smile today! 🙂

  13. Shantanu Baruah

    Congratulations – which haiku is yours

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Lost or Found. The link seems to work. 🙂

      1. Shantanu Baruah

        Ok. Let me try it out

  14. Kelly Diane

    Such a lovely, short poem yet it’s got so much meaning behind it.

  15. barbaraleaver

    Totally relate to – work through emotions and decide how I feel about something, when writing poetry!

    1. Jaya Avendel

      I relate to this so much! Glad you can concur.

  16. Tajinder Kaur

    Congratulations on getting published dear. Writing is also my favourite way to work through emotions, thoughts and frustrations. Poetry or prose, it’s helpful for my mental health, so I definitely relate.
    Tx. // Tajinder Kaur

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you so much! I love meeting fellow creatives. 🙂

  17. bournemouthgirl

    Congratulations on another publication! I love journaling and how I can work through my thoughts and emotions! X

  18. glowsteady

    I love the way you described how writing helps you process world events like the ones we’re currently going through. It was so beautifully put! Congratulations on getting another piece published elsewhere x

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