Ideal Inspiration Blogger Award!

Ideal Inspiration Blogger Award

It has been a while since I have been on the receiving end of the multiple awards that circle the blogging community, so I must thank Brittny Lee of Dawning Creations for sharing the love of the Ideal Inspiration Blogger Award with me!

If you have not visited Brittny’s website, I invite you to take a look at her shared memories and carefully crafted poems that transport the reader into the moment of the piece.

The Rules of this Award:

Thank the person who have nominated you and provide a link back to his/her blog.

• Answer your nominator’s questions.

• Nominate up to 9 other bloggers and ask them 5 new questions.

• Notify your nominees by visiting and commenting on their blog.

• List the rules and display the “Ideal Inspiration Blogger Award” logo.

Ideal Inspiration Blogger Award

• Provide the link to the Award creator.

Brittny posed some thought-provoking questions!

  • What inspired you to start blogging personally?

I started blogging after an angry encounter with a group of people online inspired me to write a piece of my thoughts on child spanking. Writing helped me work through my emotions and come out calm. I wanted to share the article, so I took a page out of my mother’s blogging book and started Nin Chronicles.

As I continued to write, I tried my hand at poetry. I figure, as a writer, it is good to explore as many different types of writing as possible and, as you can see, I love writing poems.

It has been challenging to balance out the topics I write about, but I write what I love and that makes me happy. I am happier still to meet people who enjoy what I write and who write in ways that make me smile.

In its simplest form, I started blogging to share what I have to say.

  • Who are you closest to and why?

I have a lot of good friends and family, and, naturally, blogging has brought me closer to many people in the blogosphere as well. I am close to many of my friends, but I think I am closest to my family.

I am with my family every day and, though there are times when it becomes overwhelming and I wander what it would be like to live alone, I cannot ignore the relationships I have with the people I live with.

My family is supportive. We try to support each other in all of our different ventures, no matter how different they may be from our own, and come together to make dreams happen.

  • Who inspires you? An artist? A friend?

It so hard to pin down inspiration to one person. I am inspired by the soft earth when I am out weeding. I am inspired by the angry mother in the parking lot of a grocery store. I am inspired by the little things that happen when no one is looking. I am inspired by the things people know happen yet chose to ignore.

  • What are your favorite hobbies?

Writing is currently one of my hobbies, but I look forward to turning it into a career. I often say I will write my way through life.

Besides writing, I love to garden and sing. I pick up songs from movies and, though my imitations sometimes lack the appropriate tune, daily practice draws me closer to the recreating the tone of the song in my voice.

I started cooking young, and the love of creating food has stayed with me ever since, calling me to work at restaurants as well travel and cook at camps. I was looking forward to cooking at another camp this year, but it looks like meeting up with old friends around a dinner table will have to wait until next July.

  • Do you consider yourself an introvert, an extrovert, or both? Why?

I consider myself more of an introvert, simply because it takes me a while to open up around people I do not know. It is hard to make new friends, though, unless I run into an extrovert, so I have worked on starting conversations instead of waiting for them to happen.

Though I am an introvert, once I start talking and find my rhyme, I turn into an extrovert and will talk until I run out of responses!

My Questions to the Nominees:

  • What is your favorite meal, and why? 
  • What is a moment in your life you are proud of? 
  • What is your favorite childhood memory, and why?
  • What is your favorite family tradition?
  • Why do you write? 

My Nominees:

Adam of Dad Does Autism: I love his honest outlook on raising children with autism as he shares stories coming from his everyday.

Jen of Diffusing the Tension: She shares some amazing tips on overcoming small anxieties and living each day to the fullest.

Anika of Chapters of May: Warming photography and some of the best and most connectable book reviews I have come across. Need I say more?

Giulia of Tidbits of Care: I love her cosy posts on self-care, knitting, and her eclectic teacup collection! 

Aimsy of Aimsy’s Antics: Her craft ideas and step-by-step tutorials on how to make everything from a square-cornered make-up bag to your own face cream inspire my days.

Andi of Diary of a Gay Dad: I love reading his colorful stories of daily life with five young kids and Dalmatian hounds!

Nidhi of Sunnies my Bunnies: She shares her love of learning alongside her kids through stories and poems.

A Writer’s Soul Blog: is the soul of a writer, sharing beautiful poetry from the heart. 

Mermaid of A Mermaid’s Pen: The name alone of this elegant poetic little place is enough to make me smile. I love the poems living with emotion and stories Mermaid shares.

Much thanks again to Brittny Lee of Dawning Creations for this kind nomination! I am beyond pleased to be able to share the love with fellow writers.

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  1. poetryofemotions5778

    Congratulations my friend and good luck on winning future awards!!💞

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you so much!

  2. kalliopechasing

    Congrats! You absolutely deserve this. Youre one of my favorite sites to follow and keep up with.
    These are a fun way to get to know people more too. Always fun to read.

  3. Anika May

    Firstly, congratulations on the award! That’s amazing, it’s really interesting to hear how you started Nin Chronicles 😊
    And thank you so much for the nomination – your words have totally made my day!
    Anika |

    1. Jaya Avendel

      I love knowing how other writers started out so I had fun sharing my story. Thank you and enjoy the nomination! 🙂

  4. Rhi // The Violet Journal

    Congrats! 😊

  5. Sovely Matters

    congratulations, well deserved!

  6. Miishuangmu


  7. Single Mom Chapters

    Congratulations! Love your poetry ❤️

  8. Chris - CJ Attractions Guide

    Congratulations! You always produce great content and this is an interesting insight, I relate a lot to what you spoke about, love cooking too, the rest of my family find it so stressful but for me it is such a calminh activity

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you! I love the production of cooking most of all.

  9. glowsteady

    Congratulations! I always find it so interesting to read people’s answers to questions like this, especially why they started blogging. Learning about the individual journeys are always so fascinating to me x

    1. Jaya Avendel

      I love discovering how different bloggers get started out. I have found passion plays a big role! 🙂

  10. bournemouthgirl

    Congratulations on being nominated. It is definitely a well deserved nomination you share some awesome content and are so supportive of other bloggers. I haven’t heard of some of the bloggers you have nominated which is nice to see new bloggers! Thank you for sharing.

  11. Nancy

    Congratulations on receiving the Ideal Inspiration Blogger Award! Your work is amazing!! Love your poetry. Wow, the origins of your blogging route is intersting, but love how it has transformed your work over time. I feel you about taking a while before opening up to people. Keep it up!
    Nancy ♥

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thanks so much! I know I love reading about the start of other blogging journeys, so I am glad you found this interesting.


    Hearty Congratulations….


    Jaya, you’re amazing and oh my! Thank you for also extending some of the love! That is do appreciated! I may need a couple of days to prepare any Q and A’s. can’t wait to read yours… 👏🏻 👏🏻

    1. Jaya Avendel

      I love sharing love, and hope you have fun sharing the love with others yourself! Cannot wait to see what you write. 🙂


        Ooooh…. I’m looking forward to what you write Jaya! Happy smiles all round! 🤔

  14. short-prose-fiction

    Congratulations sweetheart.

  15. Diffusing the Tension Blog

    Thanks for mentioning me and nominating me. It is so kind and thoughtful of you. 💖💖

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Always a pleasure to share the love!

  16. Thecaskconnoisseur

    Congratulations to you Jaya, that is fully deserved, keep doing what your doing, you’re doing fantastic 😁

  17. Susi Bocks

    Congratulations, Jaya! 🙂

  18. Shantanu Baruah

    Congratulations – good to read more about you

  19. FN

    Congratulations. ❤️

  20. Ms Abigaba

    Congratulations 🎈

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