‘Harmony’ published at Free Verse Revolution!

Harmony Poem Published at Free Verse Revolution

Dearest people, I am so proud to announce my poem, Harmony, has been accepted for publication at Free Verse Revolution!

Curiously, I submitted a poem for the January prompt, only to discover I had missed it by hours. Having first wanted to submit Harmony, but not finding a way to retain its originality and bend it to the January prompt, I was thrilled to find Harmony fit exactly the February prompt, Waves.

As the name suggests, Free Verse Revolution celebrates the revolutions within ourselves, reaching out to embrace the unique to share with the unique. Free Verse Revolution celebrates freedom, and I am honored to have my writing shared with its collection of talented and versatile writers.

A distorted sunrise

Eclipse rises with the pearl

Glowing in the foaming hem of the ocean 

When the stars show their face

Painted nails draw back the veil

Hiding the obsidian eyes of night and

The ghostly falls of

Your broken soul

Fall into harmony

With life.

Please do share your beautiful thoughts!
Photo by Sandrachile on Unsplash

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  1. paeansunplugged

    Congratulations and this is so well deserved!

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you so much! Some say we create our own luck. 🙂

      1. paeansunplugged

        You are welcome. Yes, we sure do! 🙂

  2. Nancy

    Congratulations on having your poem accepted for publication! Your hard work has been recognized and it is amazing that you’re going places!! Keep it up with the hard work! Keep it up!!!
    Nancy ♥ exquisitely.me

    1. Jaya Avendel

      I have not written a poem that calls to be shared again yet, but I am slowly filling my notebook pages! 🙂

  3. S.S. Mitchell

    ‘The foaming hem of the ocean,’ what beautiful imagery you evoke Jaya. Congratulations! This is great news.

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you! You quote my favorite line in the poem.

  4. Susi Bocks

    Congratulations, Jaya! Well-deserved recognition! 🙂

      1. Susi Bocks

        You’re very welcome! 🙂

  5. Lisa's Notebook

    Oh my goodness, congratulations, Jaya, that’s wonderful news and so well deserved! I love this poem, I can see how it fits with the February theme, what serendipity 🙂 And “the foaming hem of the ocean” is something I will remember for a long time, you’ve encapsulated it exactly x

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you! I try hard to conjure images with my words, and I am glad you could see them!

  6. Unwanted Life

    Congratulations on your poem being published, it’s well deserved

  7. eob2

    Congratulations 🎊 lovely.

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you! I love the opportunity to share.

  8. barbaraleaver

    Congratulations! Looks amazing

  9. Silk Cords

    That’s great. 🙂
    I wish I had any talent for writing poetry. At least I can appreciate it though. 🙂

    1. Jaya Avendel

      I love appreciative people; appreciation cancels out jealousy.

  10. In mind and out

    Wonderful! Congratulations. Such a beautiful poem.

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Coming from you; a writer of elegant lines, I am most grateful you enjoyed Harmony!

      1. In mind and out

        I did!! You are very welcome’

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