Growing Up

Growing Up: Free Fiction

She sits and swings on the lone swing in the playground. I see her there every afternoon walking home from school.

No one uses the playground now except her. The fence is broken and the woodchips on the ground are rotted and slick. Jagged pieces of metal and cement blocks hint slides and monkey bars used to be there. The double rusty swing set with one swing broken and the chains creaking is all that remains against the backdrop of ivy-riddled woods overtaking the land beyond the fence.

When I was a child I used to go there to play. By the time I was walking to middle school and my parents began to yearn for the sea, it was gone, a ruined splotch of earth.

That was when the girl appeared, swinging, swinging, on the fading blue swing.

She watches me with keen eyes hollow with wistfulness. I try to speak to her when I find the courage, but she never answers. I think she is mute. Her silence intimidates me.

The swing creaks. Like my home, it has not fallen apart yet, but it should have.

I stop on the sidewalk one afternoon. I do not want the sea air or crying waves. My parents do. I watch the girl swing. She adds certainty to life. The air is heavy. My heart is heavier. I move tomorrow. My life is packed in a dozen cardboard boxes and a dented old tin.

I watch the girl swing. There is an art to her rocking back and forth. Her feet leave the ground. The swing set collapses. Its rusted legs give way, crumple in on each other, and lie groaning in the wind.

The girl picks herself up slowly. She brushes the woodchips off her knees. She touches the rusted metal and looks at her swing. The chains have snapped off the seat.

She looks up at me.

She slowly fades.

Photo by Lisa Bresler on Unsplash

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  1. Michelle

    This is such a well written story! I loved it!

  2. Sandra Ans

    I love this! Especially the ending. It gives the feeling like actually, you were looking at young yourself. Memories. Feelings. and Memories. Very beautiful written!

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you so much for sharing your lovely thoughts!

  3. femaleoriginal

    You’ve really captured the scene in my head with this one! I can picture the entire scene so clearly from the way you’ve described it. Fab piece 🙂 x

  4. Vincent Roche

    This short story has so much detail! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Jenny in Neverland

    This is such a beautiful piece! I love how you’ve kind of left it up to the reader to decipher the ending too x

  6. Merry

    I can feel it – like a memory, an old one, sad and lonely. Such strong imagery, Jaya! Well done! As always 🙂 Happy new year ❤️

  7. Melissa Kacar

    This is such a beautifully written story! It is so thought provoking and nostalgic, thank you for sharing this! I hope you have a happy and healthy new year! I look forward to reading your new work in 2021 (& beyond!)

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you, Melissa! It is a joy to move forward into this year with you too. 🙂

  8. caleemichelle777

    Wow this is so well written with such emotion! It would be great if you guys could check out my page! Specifically my short stories. I’m still kinda of new here and I’m trying to grow it!

  9. Raji (@journeyintofantasy)

    What a great piece – beautifully written! Happy new year!

  10. Della Driscoll

    Beautiful words! You always have such a lovely way to your writing xx

  11. Keep Calm & Drink Coffee

    A red swing set represents one of the dearest memories in my heart from childhood.
    Your powerful words evoqued preciuous feelings to me.
    Thanks a lot <3

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you, Claudia! Playgrounds hold sweet memories for me too.

  12. CristinaR

    This is such a brilliant piece of writing and so evocative! The image of the girl on the swing brought back so many memories while moving when I was younger and leaving behind a place I was very fond of. It’s the first time that I get to your blog and will surely follow. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Oo, I love that you connected with this piece on a personal level! Thank you for sharing your story.

  13. bournemouthgirl

    This is such a powerful and thought provoking piece Jaya. I always joy reading your content. Happy new year to you, I hope this year is an amazing and successful one for you. Hopefully this year will be a lot safer and happier for us all.

  14. lynnmumbingmejia

    Wow, such a powerful piece! I see the little girl as a memory or maybe nostalgia? The endings of your stories always sends shivers down my spine!

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Good shivers, I hope! 💖

  15. Cooking with Virginia

    Nicely written. Thanks for sharing.

  16. Michele Lee

    Captivating read! 👏🏼

  17. Lisa's Notebook

    Oh wow, Jaya, I was not expecting that ending! What a beautiful piece of writing. I wasn’t sure if she was a ghost or a childhood memory but reading your response to Nancy I’m glad I picked up on both elements 🙂

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you, Lisa! I love a person who not only reads the story but also delves into the tales in the comments. 🥰

  18. nortoncharity

    What a wonderful, and almost haunting, post! I enjoyed reading it as usual! Your writing never disappoints!

  19. glowsteady

    I’m not sure if she’s a ghost or a memory? Or both? But it’s brilliant. This scene played out so clearly in my head. Very emotional piece!

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you; I love that you connected with this writing.

  20. Thecaskconnoisseur

    This was quite touching at some points, but also I could feel the tension being built around the writing. Wonderfully written as always 😁

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you so much! I love that you found some touching moments amongst the words.

  21. katieemmabeauty

    This is so emotional! I love it, and the ending is both sad and haunting!
    Katie |

  22. nianni

    Nicely written. Your use of imagery is really good. Happy New Year 🎉

  23. barbaraleaver

    Your imagery brings a coloured picture into my thoughts. Beautifully written!

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you for sharing your experience reading this! 😍

  24. meredithdent

    This is such a beautiful piece! Such strong imagery. Happy new year lovely ❤️

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you! Best of years to you as well.

  25. eob2

    I find this hauntingly beautiful. Manifesting so many emotions. 💙

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you so much! Hauntingly beautiful is the perfect way to describe it. 🙂

      1. eob2

        You’re welcome, Jaya. Always a pleasure reading your words.

  26. nickreeves

    Nicely done, Jaya.
    Happy new year! x

  27. Nancy

    I felt that loneliness from this – sometimes having to be on my own because there was a misunderstanding of when to be picked up lol. But children like this learn how to be more independent, unfortunately. Though, this story is trippy! Is she a ghost after all or a memory! Great job on this short story too!
    Nancy ✨

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Nancy! I love your double perspective on this piece. I intended the girl to be ghost, memory, and loss at the same time. 🙂

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