Urban Legend

Urban Legend Prose

Around me, death. I feel it in the crusted soil and smell it in the lost air. It braids through my hair and buries itself in my porcelain skin.

The wind comes in from the East and unveils urbanity. There is this noise in the city. It cracks the black strip of tar that winds into horizon. I watch the sunset eat the earth and the mountains don cloud.

I stand in isolation and look toward the sea. Past the last ghost building, a stretch of blue slashes through the sky. Urban wind nestles between my shoulder blades. I am concrete pierced with pipe; a book without a spine; stories scattered on current.

The homeless don their cultural colors. The strawflower plants seed in unforgiving soil and blooms. Ice kisses my skin all over strawberry. I breathe deep the memory of what was and taste what is to come.

Photo by Mathilde Langevin

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  1. Dawn Pisturino

    Such powerful images, Layla!

  2. M Jay Dixit

    So creative, loved all the images. The ending is too good!!

  3. Aspen Hite

    Every line made it better and better. I couldn’t pick a favorite until I got to the last one and that was the one that really struck a chord with me: “I breathe deep the memory of what was and taste what is to come.”
    Beautifully written! 💜

  4. Jeff Flesch

    “I am concrete pierced with pipe; a book without a spine; stories scattered on current.” Having lived most of my life in urban centers, your beautiful words bring a melancholic reality to a life lived in between tall buildings, cars and people bustling to and fro, and a diverse cultural portfolio, both the beautiful and the harrowing. A gorgeous pierce, Jaya!

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you for this amazing comment, Jeff!

  5. Eugenia

    A masterful piece, Jaya! Your use of imagery is stunning.

  6. Keep Calm & Drink Coffee

    Looking towards the sea is always a cure for me, although the thought of a book without a back has made me concrete the idea of ​​suffering between the shoulder blades.
    THANKS Jaya!

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you kindly, Claudia!

  7. haoyando

    Love your book without a spine and those scattered stories. I feel like I am reading them right now…

  8. Jacqui Murray

    There’s a lot to think about here, Jaya. Life always ends in death, doesn’t it.

  9. D. Wallace Peach

    Cities will come and go, but nature will endure. I love the “between” of your poem, Jaya. Lovely.

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you so much, Diana!

  10. Daphny Aqua

    What a masterpiece this one is Jaya, loving the imagery of it. ❤️

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you, Daphny!

  11. paeansunplugged

    Jaya, the imagery is striking and creates a feeling of disquiet, as death should!

  12. Nancy Richy

    Jaya, your words alone create a symphony; no music necessary 🌹

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you much, Nancy!

  13. SelmaMartin

    So beautiful, Jaya. TY

  14. Ingrid

    Masterful use of imagery here, Jaya, with a powerful current of energy running through it!

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you deeply, Ingrid!

  15. Cindy Georgakas

    gorgeous imagery Jaya. Love these lines.
    ” a stretch of blue slashes through the sky. Urban wind nestles between my shoulder blades. I am concrete pierced with pipe; a book without a spine; stories scattered on current.”😇😇

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you for sharing your favorite lines, Cindy!

      1. Cindy Georgakas

        You’re so welcome Jaya!

  16. Michele Lee

    Jaya, your words make even death sound beautiful. I love all of it, of course, but the last stanza took my breath away. 🍓

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you deeply, Michele! I always love your reflections.

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