The Original Outstanding Blogger Award!

Outstanding Blogger Award

I was nominated by Shanyu for the Original Outstanding Blogger Award! A young poet and a lover of the color yellow, he paints passion with his poetry and food-inspired tales.

Before I delve into the rules of this award, I want to take a moment to celebrate reaching 700 followers here on WordPress! When I started Nin Chronicles almost two years ago, I was disheartened by common thought that writing in multiple niches was not a recipe for finding success.

Yet I have made many good friends, forged new relationships, and tried new things. I am proud of myself for what I have accomplished and knowing that 700 people believe in and enjoy what I write fills my heart with the knowledge I am doing what I set out to do: share my writing with the world and make people think.

Thank you all for being here; you challenge me with your feedback to write new things and see new perspectives. I am honored to be a part of your community and honored further to be on the end of this award.

The Original Outstanding Blogger Award recognizes people that put an outstanding effort into creating original blogs, so I am thrilled to be able to share the love with some of the bloggers I think are doing an outstanding job with their blogs.

Original Outstanding Blogger Award Logo

The Rules:

  1. Provide the link to the creator’s original award post.
  2. Answer the questions provided.
  3. Create 7 unique questions.
  4. Nominate 10 bloggers. Ensure that they are aware of their nomination. Neither the award’s creator, nor the blogger that nominated you, can be nominated.
  5. At the end of 2020, every blog that ping-backs the creator’s original post will be entered to win the 2020 Outstanding Blogger Award!

This award was created by Colton Beckwith.

Shanyu’s Questions:

  1. Are you a cat or a dog person?

I am a lover of all animals, from the black bear that haunts the woods around my home, to the geese that sometimes grace my pond. When it comes to being a cat or dog person, I have a dog and am sad my particular woodland home is not suited to housing a cat. 

2. What is your favorite color?

My favorite color changes like a mood ring, so today it is aqua blue for that serenity that possesses me once in a while.

3. Your favorite web series?

I am cheating a little bit here, since I love shows that encompass a diverse range of topics, offer a new perspective, and tell new stories. I know it sounds like I am working up to reveal something amazing, but what I am really describing are Schitt’s Creek and Grace and Frankie, both available on Netflix.

I love that Grace and Frankie gives thought and coverage to the LGBTQ community and that Schitt’s Creek lends thought to the people behind the billion dollars. I also love both shows because they make me laugh!

4. A book that has changed you forever?

The Case Against Spanking by Irwin Hyman. No other book has made me think so deeply or see child spanking the way I do now, although I do enjoy the fresh perspectives of many different authors on the subject.

5. Whom do you look up to?

I have always had my family to look up to, although I will admit that I never have yet met a person who is who I hope to become. That is a good thing, because I think we all draw ideals from many different people and experiences to make up our best selves.

6. A language you would love to explore?

French, and I am exploring it by way of a disc course. It is not going as well as I hoped it would, but I will stick with it because I love that speaking a different language, if only in mutters, helps me think in new ways 

7. Your favourite comic character?

It is hard to pick a favorite character from my favorite comic series Elfquest, since most of the characters embody values and ideals I believe in, which is something I find hard to find in books. I love Cutter, the chief of the elven tribe, and find joy in knowing that Elfquest shows elves how I have always envisioned them.

My Questions:

What are your blogging goals?

Your favorite hobby (besides blogging)?

Where does your inspiration come from?

Your favorite pair of shoes?

How long is your skincare routine?

What is your favorite piece of jewelry?

What/Who is special to you and why?

My Nominees:

Blindzany Girl: It inspires me to know that people like Lorraine forge ahead and share their writing with the world, despite being blind. Lorraine also writes haikus that help me smile.

Laura Schmidt of Voyage of the Mind: Here be short stories and poems, as well as explorations of writing styles and techniques.

Ingrid of Experiments in Fiction: A new poet and writer I recently discovered, I love her poetry and Postcards from Slovenia series.

Nancy of Exquisitely: Whether it be a beauty haul post, appreciating the little things, or women in cybersecurity, Nancy’s simple way of cutting to the heart of the matter makes for a lovely read!

Margarida Vasconcelos: A beautiful woman who travels to obscure countries, partakes in the local scene, and shares her experiences there by way of stunning photography, I love traveling alongside her to new places.

Ashley of LellaLee: A creative mix of paranormal, family, and bookish posts, I love getting a peek into Ashley’s family as she shares the things that are important to her.

Teresa Maria of Outlandish: Sharing the best there is of eco-friendly fashion!

Kelsey of Positive Preggos: An expecting mother, following Kelsey’s pregnancy journey has inspired me. Kelsey shares weekly updates about her pregnancy, as well as her honest opinion on many myths and complaints about growing a new life.

Tina Martin of Coffeemom8: Reviews of subscription boxes and family fun!

Marcus Johnston of Albigensia Press Enjoy some splendid articles on the subject of creative writing.

Plentiful gratitude to Shanyu for the inspiring nomination. Thank you all so much for being here and reading! May the words flow.

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  1. Tamie

    As they creep, they take root, finally masking a huge space.

  2. Rishika Kakar

    Congratulations, Jaya! I loved reading your answers. Very well deserved.

  3. theresaly520

    Wow! I loved your creative answers! I look forward to reading these other blogs! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thanks so much!

  4. bournemouthgirl

    Congratulations on your nomination! Your writing is awesome! X


    […] Avendel of Nin Chronicles has kindly nominated me for the Original Outstanding Blogger Award. ( Wow! Thankyou SO much Jaya. I am overcome. You are so kind. And thankyou so much for those lovely […]

  6. Tangie T. Woods

    Congratulation on your award nomination.

  7. glowsteady

    Congratulations on the award! I’m hoping to learn a new language soon too. I’m not sure if I could pick my favourite show right now x

    1. blindzanygirl

      Hello Jaya. I owe you a huge apology. I was so overcome when I saw that you had nominated me for this. It made me so happy. But first of all let me congratulate YOU. How wonderful that you were nominated for this. You deserve it.
      But my apology. I haven’t been coming on WP quite as much as usual, and intended to respond to you almost imnediately, but things got in the way. I do find problems in finding my way round things, due to my blindness. But I DO want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your lovely words to me, and I will respond properly today. I don’t normally do Awards, but I am most happy to answer questions, and if I can manage to do the whole thing and nominate others then I will do so. Thankyou SO much Jaya for thinking of me.

  8. Shantanu Baruah

    Great to learn more about you – congratulations

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thanks so much!

      1. Shantanu Baruah

        My absolute pleasure

  9. survivethekidz

    Congrats! Your work is original so you absolutely deserve it.

  10. Thecaskconnoisseur

    Congratulations Jaya, you truly deserve it 😁 keep them coming!

  11. eob2

    Congratulations 🎉

  12. Nancy

    Congratulations on reaching 700 followers on WordPress! So cool that your blog has grown so much with so many followers. Congratulations on being nominated for the Original Outstanding Blogger Award! Oooh, I feel you about favorite colors. Mine changes a lot too haha. I love all animals, don’t get me wrong. Cats just.. Take care of themselves so well LOL. It is great that you look up to your family. I feel you about looking up to someone in particular. I haven’t found one either. I’m more of a frankenstein kind of person where I admire someone’s one ability but not their person overall. .. Not that I hate them or anything. Thanks for sharing this tag!! Also thank you for the tag too hehe!! 🙂 You’re so sweet!!
    Nancy ✨

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thanks so much for your kind words! I love the way you express your thoughts on admiring an ability in a person, but maybe not the person as a whole. 🙂
      A joy to share the love with you!

  13. Paige

    Well done on your nomination! Some really interesting answers here too – great getting to know you more.
    Paige // Paige Eades

  14. Keep Calm & Drink Coffee

    I wish I could be the n. 700 since I found your blog only now, I wish I could be a lucky sign.
    Congratulations and best compliments!

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Keep writing and you will find your community soon enough too!

  15. short-prose-fiction

    Congratulations, Java.

  16. chicmydarling

    This is so cool! Congrats Jaya! Your work is awesome and I’m so glad it’s being recognized! Loved learning more about you! 🙂

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thanks so much for sharing your kind words!

  17. Kelly Diane

    Congratulations on this award, its very much deserved.

  18. Ingrid

    Thank you so much for the nomination, Jaya! Also congratulations on 700 followers – I am pleased you have found success blogging in multiple niches. I can’t seem to stick to one niche myself!

    1. Jaya Avendel

      There is so much freedom in writing what you love. 🙂

  19. Laura Schmidt

    Thank you so much, Jaya! I really appreciate this and look forward to answering your very good questions in a blog post soon!

    1. Jaya Avendel

      🙂 A pleasure to pass on the love! I look forward to reading your answers.

  20. Ayush

    Will surely check out the book you mentioned. And yeah… Congratulations! 😊🎊

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