Two Poems Published in Social Justice Inks Anthology + Why I Missed the Wounds I Healed Launch.

Social Justice Inks

I am utterly gutted to have missed the Wounds I Healed book launch on June 18th, as I was so looking forward to reading my poem. If you went in anticipation of hearing me speak, I am so sorry to have disappointed you!

I have been without power for 53 hours as a freaky wind and rainstorm knocked out almost all the electricity in my county. Hundreds of people are still without power and I have only just been reconnected. And, on the topic of good news, here is a second chance to attend a book launch!

Two Poems Published in Social Justice Inks Anthology!

I am delighted to share two of my poems, I Dare and Embracing Diversity, are published in Social Justice Inks, an anthology of poetry!

Social Justice Inks is edited by Lisa Tomey, who previously edited and compiled Heartbeats, an anthology of poetry.

Social Justice Inks is about expression of social justice concerns and about working through these concerns. Seeking answers is an ongoing process. Within these pages, poets offer their creative expressions about social justice and share their thoughts on how to solve social problems in the world.

This collection is from poets around the world. It has caused blood to boil, hearts to beat, and hope to ring true. In the same vein as The Anthropocene Hymnal, which seeks to bring awareness to climate change in order to spark change, Social Justice Inks is about bringing awareness to social justice issues in order to create change.

Social Justice Inks Virtual Book Launch

Just like the virtual launch for Wounds I Healed, there will be a virtual book launch for Social Justice Inks, where the contributors of this book, including me, will read their poems. The launch will be held tonight at 7:00 PM EST, via Zoom or Meetup.

Register on Meetup here or simply click the Zoom link any time during the event to join! I am pretty confident I will make this meeting and I am excited to listen to the spoken word of many an excellent poem.

Finally, if you are so called, purchase Social Justice Inks via Amazon, or take advantage of the $.99 ebook special on Lulu.

Thank you ever so much for your understanding and support! May the words flow.

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  1. Hold Porn

    Be beautiful enough to feast the eyes

  2. jkennedy

    Congrats on the publications! That’s a massive accomplishment. Wishing you the best. <3

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thanks a million!

  3. KK

    Many many congratulations 🎉🎉

  4. Raji (@journeyintofantasy)

    Congratulations on your publication and upcoming book launch!

  5. Jenni @ I on Image

    Sorry to hear about the power outage. Congratulations on getting published and the upcoming launch xx

  6. ellegracedeveson

    I’m so sorry to hear you lost power, I can imagine that was seriously annoying! Glad your safe though, that’s the main thing. massive congratulations again on being published, you really are the most amazing writer! Xo

    Elle –

  7. Charlie

    Congrats on all of your achievements. Thank you for sharing.

  8. Lauren

    Sorry to hear about your loss of power, that must be so frustrating! Congratulations on your publication and the launch. I wish you lots of success on your project. I hope you are having a good week.

    Lauren x

  9. I'm All Booked Up YA

    Sorry about your power issues.

  10. Ingrid

    Congratulations Jaya! And don’t worry about missing the launch – you were there in spirit!

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Aww, thank you so much, Ingrid! I felt terrible about missing it, but this makes me feel so much better!

  11. theusedlife

    Congratulations, Jaya!

  12. Penny

    Hopefully you are safe and sound, Jaya! That must have been very terrible 🙁 Congrats on your new launch, though! This sounds all very exciting and I’m happy to be following your journey! Best of luck for tonight. x Penny /

  13. Daphny Aqua

    Congratulations to you on all your achievements, I wish you many more in days to come. How’s it now? Have the storms calm down? Hope you all are doing well.

    1. Jaya Avendel

      The weather is now clear and sunny! It is crazy how it fluctuates.

      1. Daphny Aqua

        Tell me bout it, I think nature is taking her revenge for the way we treated her.

  14. LaShelle

    I’m an avid Amazon reader so I’ll for sure download the book! Congratulations on such an exciting opportunity! I’m really sorry to hear about the windstorm. Please keep us posted as much as you’re able to do so.

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you for your support, LaShelle! The weather has vastly improved, and my Social Justice Inks reading was so much fun!

      1. LaShelle

        You’re welcome!!

  15. Nancy Richy

    Jaya, maybe it’s just me but I’m having trouble opening your page. Just wanted to make you aware there may be a little glitch going on. Good luck! PS – if it’s any comfort, I missed the ‘Wounds’ launch, too, for a funeral. Such is life.

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Such is life indeed, Nancy! Thanks for giving me the head-ups about my site. I’ll look into it!

  16. Jenny in Neverland

    That’s disappointing for you and so scary to be without power for that long! But congratulations on your publication! All the best!

  17. schmitztimo

    Glad you were part of the Social Inks project as well. So I guess congrats to both of us. 😀 Sadly, I couldn’t make it to the virtual book launch, since I live in a completely different time zone and it was in the middle of the night here.

  18. Lisa

    Oh my goodness, what a scary time for you, Jaya, those are incredibly strong winds to knock out your power for that length of time. I’m sorry you missed your reading but congratulations on being published elsewhere and I hope the reading went well this time 🙂 x

    1. Jaya Avendel

      The Social Justice Inks reading went very well! Thanks, Lisa.

  19. Cindy Georgakas

    I kept wondering where you were Jaya as I knew you were planning to be at the Party. We missed you bug you were with us in spirit.
    I got my books. Can’t wait to read you!! 💖💖💖

  20. Cassa Bassa

    I missed that too.

  21. Jodie | That Happy Reader

    Oh how disappointing for you Jaya! I was literally finishing up what I was doing today to listen to this. Now I will listen to the new one instead! Best Wishes!

  22. Michele Lee

    Sorry to hear about your power issues. Glad you are safe! I was surprised to not see you; your absence was felt. Congrats on your publication and upcoming launch! Sounds like another meaningful project. Bravo to you, Jaya! Best wishes tonight! 👏🏻

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thanks a million, Michele! Yes, all’s well that ends well, and I hope you enjoyed the launch despite my absence!

      1. Michele Lee

        😊👍🏻 Just ordered my copy.

  23. K.Hartless

    That’s serious wind power. Glad your safe and sorrow to kiss seeing you. Could record your own, perhaps after everything settles?

    1. Jaya Avendel

      You read my mind! I am waiting for a sunny day. 🥰

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