Little Boy Blind

Little Boy Blind Fiction

Miles thought perhaps it was a new game and forgot the curious sound of glass breaking as he held out his arms and followed Father’s voice, blind to the room and his parent’s sharp tone.

Father picked him up, turned him over his knee, and Miles began to wonder as he wriggled, wanting to sit up but held down by Father’s arm. He felt an impending sense of dread but could not see through his sightless eyes to read Father’s face.

“I love you, Miles, and want the best for you,” Father said. “But you must learn to mind and your Mother and I told you the china closet is not to be touched. I am sorry, little one, but I must punish you though this hurts me as much as it does you.”

Miles jerked, letting out a torn cry of pain as Father’s hand slapped his bottom. He squirmed free, tears welling in his sightless eyes, feeling as if there were more slaps to come, and scrambled across the floor to the far corner of the room, his tiny heart thumping wildly in confusion. He felt a shadow fall across him and threw his arms over his face, feeling as if Father was a threat.

“Do not hit me,” he whimpered.

“I have not finished punishing you, Miles,” Father said.

Miles pressed himself further into the corner and shook his head, ashamed of the tears on his face. “No. No. Why are you hurting me? I thought you loved me!”

“I do love you. And because I love you, I must do this. It is for your own good.”

Miles pressed his face into his knees and sobbed. “But why? It hurts! I do not want to be afraid of you.”

Father fell silent. After a while he sat down and put his arm around Miles’ shoulders. Miles flinches, afraid for the first time in his young life of his parent.

“I am sorry,” Father said softly. “For hurting you. I love you. And you are right; the hands I use to guide you ought not be used to inflict pain. I will not hit you again.”

Miles felt Father wipe the tears from his cheeks and felt a little reassured.

Do you love me?” he blurted.

Father’s voice sounded strange and Miles wished he could see his face. “Yes, I do, Miles.”

Miles relaxed at the words and leaned his head on Father’s shoulder. He smiled at the kisses on his cheek. He fell asleep minutes of quiet warmth later; did not feel Father carry him to bed or rub salve into his behind by way of a silent apology.

Miles never forgot the day Father spanked him. But he remembered every day afterwards when Father and Mother did not spank him and he smiled. He was loved.

Miles first appears in Down A Country Lane

Photo by Jeremy Lishner on Unsplash

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  1. He Has Gentle Hands – Nin Chronicles

    […] Miles also appears in Down A Country Lane, Little Boy Blind, Alone At Edgware Estate, and Edward […]

  2. Jenny in Neverland

    Fantastic short story! I love your poems but it’s nice to read something more indepth from you every once in a while!

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thanks! I enjoyed writing this. 🙂

  3. adamjnew85

    I hadn’t read the first story, so had to go and read that too. I love how your building these characters.

  4. Margarida Vasconcelos (@daisyandthyme)

    Such a powerful and beautiful story! I was worried about the end and so happy it ended well. I wish all fathers could listen to their children so we could have more happy ends. I love your meaningful posts and beautiful images.

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you for your happy words! I try to write what I wish for. 🙂

  5. Neecee B

    Emotional read for something so short.

  6. aimsysantics

    Great story, I was a bit worried about how it was going to end, but it did turn positive. I like how it shows the conflict, both with Miles and his dad, but also the realisation in the father with what he was doing.
    Another well-written piece!
    Aimsy xoxo

    1. Jaya Avendel

      I love that you have shared your impressions on this; thank you!

  7. Nyxinked

    This is so well written. I don’t have any kids but I imagine I’d struggle letting go of control. I know my mother and father did and negatively impacted me, so it’s been a huge reason why I have none yet.
    Thank you so much for sharing.

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and experiences!

  8. Rayo

    Glad Miles father listened to him to stop hitting him. I’m glad it ended happily, I was expecting something much different and this is what your writing does. It changes perspective.

  9. travelogged_135

    This is so heart touching. Miles is an innocent child who deserves to be loved by his parents. Childhoods should not be ruined at any cost. They are the most happiest days of any person’s life. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Aww, thank you for sharing your warming thoughts!

  10. Mrs. P&P

    Great story. If only more parents realized the harm this can do.

  11. Diffusing the Tension Blog

    This is so moving! I’m trying to do a better job of letting go of control and listening to what my kids are “really telling me” when they act up. It’s hard but so worth it.

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you for sharing your reflective thoughts! 🙂

  12. Boss Babe Chronicles

    Wonderful story! I expected it to go a bit dark towards the end but I’m happy for Miles! Thank you for sharing.

    1. Jaya Avendel

      I like a little bit of happiness. 😊

  13. Naomi (Inching Forwards)

    I really enjoyed this, and loved what (to me) was quite a surprise ending. I expected something worse to happen to Miles once he was put to bed, for him maybe even to be killed. But this was much better, and much less predictable. Great job 🙂

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Ooh, you have a dark mind! I am so glad I could surprise you with the ending and that you enjoyed this little piece. I love twists. 😉

  14. newepicauthor

    It is a wonderful story Jaya. Thanks for sharing it.

    1. Jaya Avendel

      So glad you enjoyed!

  15. Alone At Edgware Estate – Nin Chronicles

    […] Note: Miles also appears in Down A Country Lane and Little Boy Blind.  […]

  16. Susi Bocks

    What a wise father to listen to his child. Lovely, Jaya!

    1. Jaya Avendel

      I am glad you enjoyed! I love to see children with parents who listen to them.

      1. Susi Bocks

        Me too! That tells me a child will get the love he or she deserves!

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