Inner Rainbow

Inner Rainbow Poem

Joy comes from within

Accept yourself and your heart will sing

No matter what the world sees or says

You define your happiness.

Image by Tony Ross on Unsplash

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  1. Dominic Alapat

    A beautiful poem with a wise message!

  2. Sandra Ans

    Very beautiful words, that catch you and match very well with the picture!
    That’s something we all need to learn in such hard moments in our lives.

  3. moonibrahim

    when we search for our inner happiness, all bad things turns into beautiful one. makes yourself happy. stay safe stay healthy

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you for this powerful thought!

  4. Samantha Guerrero

    This really resonates with me! I strongly believe that it’s all about perspective and how you see the world. It all comes from within, like you said!

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you for this wonderful thought!

  5. dasiapollardxo

    absolutely love! and i definitely needed to read this💗

    1. Jaya Avendel

      I am so happy this found you at the right time!

  6. glowsteady

    Accept yourself and our heart will sing is such a beautiful line! I totally agree with the sentiment here too, we have way more control over our happiness and outlook towards it than I think a lot of people realise x

  7. bournemouthgirl

    This is one of my favourites of yours! This is so true! You have to be happy in yourself before anything else can work with another. Also if you are happy and comfortable with yourself, it doesn’t matter what others say! Thank you for sharing Jaya! X

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you so much for sharing your happy thoughts! 🙂

  8. Shantanu Baruah

    Love this, Jaya – such a beautiful thought

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you so much!

      1. Shantanu Baruah

        My absolute pleasure

  9. Kayleigh Zara

    I really like this one and I think it’s the exact kind of positivity I needed to read today! Thankyou for sharing x

  10. Feelings of a Fake Adult

    Love this 🙂 so very true, and so needed

  11. eob2

    You’re welcome. I always try too. 🙃

  12. eob2

    Indeed we do. So let your colors shine brightly. 🦋🌈🎶

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you! You do the same. 🙂

  13. maddieastle

    Beautifully written!

  14. Zineb

    “You define your happiness”, great line and a fact.

  15. Nancy

    I totally agree with this poem! Happiness definitely comes within and we need to start love with ourselves first. If we can’t love ourselves, how can we love others? We define our own happiness. We can’t let others dictate it for us.
    Nancy ♥

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Seems to me any time any one tries to dictate bad things come of it! Thanks so much for reading! 🙂

  16. Megha's World

    So beautifully true Jaya.

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