In Company

In Company Poem

Walking a lonely road

I realize it is not lonely

For I am there.

Photo by Kevin Gent on Unsplash

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  1. Dominic Alapat

    Being alone with one’s own thoughts can be very satisfying! I can relate well to this short and sweet poem!

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thanks, Dominic! 🙂

  2. blondeaccountantabroad

    Very true, always together.

  3. Samantha Guerrero

    Very true! Strong thought !

  4. Shantanu Baruah

    Loved the thought ❤️

  5. Nancy

    OooH! I love this! We are alone but we are not lonely. This is something I live by a lot – there are times when I am doing something by myself.. But my own presence keeps me company.
    Nancy ♥

    1. Jaya Avendel

      By myself for myself . . . I love that. It seems it generally other people who look in and think we are lonely.

  6. Jenny in Neverland

    Short and sweet. I love this one. I can definitely see the connection between this piece and what’s going on in the world right now.

    1. Jaya Avendel

      A little bit crazy what is happening but it does not hurt to express is poetically. 🙂

  7. Holly

    Love the way you express things. Such a great post – especially during the current crazy times!

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you so much!

  8. A Capone Connection

    I’ve been known to say that I don’t mind being alone because I’m great company. I have a really good time with when I’m with me. It’s a perfect time for you to remind us of this. Thank you!

  9. glowsteady

    Beautiful, especially for the time. I love tuning in with myself and my thoughts during times of solitude x

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Love the way you express this!

  10. bellavitanyc

    This is beautiful and very needed during this time when a lot of people might feel alone.

  11. bellavitanyc

    This is beautiful and very needed during this time when a lot of people might feel alone💕

  12. short-prose-fiction

    That’s brilliant Java.

  13. Lisa's Notebook

    Beautifully put, Jaya, as always. This also reminds me of the poem about taking the road less travelled and that choice making all the difference x

    1. Jaya Avendel

      🙂 Beautifully put!

  14. Bexa

    Very thoughtful and true, we can feel peaceful and content when we are in our own company. Thank you for sharing, beautifully written <3 xx
    Bexa |

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you so much for your enjoyment of this piece!

  15. Unwanted Life

    You can be lonely even when you’re with your group of friends, and you can feel content with your own company, I know I do. Great and insightful piece.

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you for your unique insight on the flip side of solitude!

  16. Je

    These words are simple yet so profound. It’s up there in my top five from your writings.
    Solitude is sometimes the greatest source of peace and strength

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Why, thank you so much! As someone who loves solitude, I am glad you connect.

  17. Megha's World

    That is so true.We always find peace in solitude, as we are never alone.

    1. Jaya Avendel

      The words for this one came to me on a stroll down my very long driveway. I was alone but I did not feel it.

      1. Megha's World

        Yes the best words come to us in solitude.

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