
Sorry Poem

I know they spanked you

I am sorry because I

Know how wrong it feels.

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  1. Dominic Alapat

    A touching poem about the physical abuse of children. I find the narrator’s ability to empathise with the victim very moving!

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you, Dominic!

  2. PhilippaClaire

    As always this is such an emotional and powerful poem, in just a few choice words too. I’m so glad things have progressed from the idea that spanking is the way to discipline children, but am saddened that there are probably people who still do it!
    THank you so much for sharing!

    1. Jaya Avendel

      There are people who still spank their kids, but it heartens me to share my thoughts and maybe teach someone something new!

  3. Yaya

    Aw, heartbreaking this one ><

  4. kalliopechasing

    Such a short and powerful post.
    It’s so sad how people still spank their kids.

  5. Unwanted Life

    It’s shocking how many people still think it’s ok to hit children, even though all the research points to it bad for children, and that’s even before getting to the darker child abuse level of spanking and hitting

    1. Jaya Avendel

      You have mirrored how I think on this so well! Thank you. 🙂

  6. aimsysantics

    A short but very powerful piece! Here’s to time moving forward from this.
    Aimsy xoxo

  7. glowsteady

    So heartbreaking! I’m glad we’re moving forward with this x

  8. thelonelyauthorblog

    I can relate to this

  9. Shantanu Baruah

    How cute is this – loved it

  10. bournemouthgirl

    Sibling love is strong! Thank you for sharing! X

  11. Sarah Eliza

    So short yet so heartbreaking and powerful

  12. Life Travel Soul

    Wow… I’m quite speechless reading this. Because… I also know how wrong it feels.

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thanks for sharing your experience! 🙂

  13. Nancy

    OH man, this is true sibling love right here. We can’t do anything about parents punishing your sibling, but we can relate at the same time. I know I don’t want to be the type of parent who punishes a child by spanking. There are other ways to teach them the right from wrong.
    Nancy ♥

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thanks so much! There may be sibling rivalry but there is also so much sibling love.


    The older generations know in retrospect it was wrong! But they have had their time now. Family has progressed far from those ‘Olden Days’ thankfully! 🙂

    1. Jaya Avendel

      I love helping the times move forward. 🙂

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