‘Co-Existence’ Published in Hidden in Childhood: A Poetry Anthology!

Hidden in Childhood Anthology

I am delighted to share my poem, Co-Existence, is published in Hidden In Childhood: A Poetry Anthology edited by Gabriela Marie Milton. This anthology collects the work of over 150 poets into a spine-tingling collection that invites the reader to travel the gorgeous and nostalgic garden of childhood where there are both roses and thorns.

Gabriela Marie Milton says poignantly of this anthology, “The strength of this poetry collection is the capacity of its authors to blur the line between childhood and adulthood. Whether the authors talk about joyful memories, or sadly abusive childhood, the effect is stunning. We do not know anymore where childhood stops, and adulthood starts . . . These breathtaking poems have their own energy, an energy that continuously echoes in one’s soul, and it sends shivers down the spine of the reader. There is a freshness about them, freshness in front of which the strive for better formulations ends up in patheticism . . . There are emblematic poets who sometimes consciously allowed for small degrees of clumsiness – here and there – in their poems in order to preserve the authenticity of the feelings.”

About my poem

My poem seeks to capture the experience of childhood through the lens of adulthood. It serves as a contrast between who I was and who I am now, as well as a reminder that what we were continuously informs who we are.

The following is a short excerpt of my poem, Co-Existence, published in the Hidden in Childhood anthology.

I run with the deer while she

Sits and polishes her fingers pretty

Spinning yarn.

I bathe in the

Lyrical creek while she

Develops lithe muscle lugging pails

From the well. 

I rake my hair with shed stag horns

While she accepts daintily an 

Ivory comb bought with the last

Gold coin from her mother’s dowry . . .

If you are so called, purchase a copy of Hidden In Childhood via Amazon here. It is a fabulous collection to keep on your coffee table or on your nightstand for perusal.

Photo by Megan Bucknall

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  1. Susi Bocks

    Beautiful, Layla! 🙂

  2. Aspen Hite

    Love the excerpt! Congratulations!

  3. JoAnna

    Congratulations! Your poem is rich in imagery and meaning.

  4. calmkate

    congrats Layla, love your freeing exert and also chai!

  5. Annika Perry

    Layla, congratulations of the inclusion of your book in the unique and important collection of poetry. Your poem succintly yet in with detailed lycrism highlights the contradictions of childhood and life as an adult – yes, may the child within us continue to be a vital presence as one grows up.

    1. Layla Todd

      Thank you for this lovely comment and for reading, Annika! ❤️

  6. theusedlife

    Congratulations, Layla! Well deserved.

  7. Dawn Pisturino

    Congratulations, Layla! A very beautiful and provocative poem!

    1. Layla Todd

      Thank you so much, Dawn!

  8. Belladonna

    Congratulations Layla what a great accomplishment♥️♥️♥️

  9. barbaraleaver

    Congratulations. It’s a lovely poem in an lovely anthology.

  10. arlene

    Congrats Layla! Your poem is lovely…..not surprising as i enjoy your words.

    1. Layla Todd

      Thank you so much, Arlene! ❤️

  11. Grace

    Ah congratulations, dear Layla!!!!! How very exciting!!! So happy for you. Your writing is truly a gift to read, your talents inspire many 🤍🤗

    1. Layla Todd

      Thank you for this inspiring comment, Grace! ❤️

  12. Karima Hoisan

    Such a fantastic poem Layla!! Love each word choice. I bought the book, I have read it all, and just want to tell you how much I enjoyed this juxtaposition childhood memory. Unique and so well-told. Congratulations on being part of this fantastic collection.

    1. Layla Todd

      Thank you so much, Karima, for this ❤️ comment!

  13. Writing to Freedom

    Kudos on being included Layla. It sounds like a wonderful collection.

    1. Layla Todd

      It is a lovely book full of some stunning poems! Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts. 💗

  14. D. Wallace Peach

    Yay. I love your poem, Layla. I think we’re on the same page about getting the word out. A beautiful book.

  15. Eugenia

    Congratulations, Layla!💖

  16. Ingrid

    Congratulations Layla! 🥳

  17. Cindy Georgakas

    Your words mark etchings on hearts that love and know the joy of a childhood that is sacred and celebrated. Congratulations on this beautiful poem Layla. I applaud you! 💗

    1. Layla Todd

      Thank you for this sweet comment, Cindy! 💗

  18. Michele Lee

    Bravo, Layla! I respect you for not only your talent but your ability to manage many projects. 👏🏻

    1. Layla Todd

      Thank you so much, Michele! 💗

  19. haoyando

    Congratulations on your publication!!! What an achievement.

  20. Baydreamer - Lauren Scott

    Congratulations, Layla! The excerpt of your poem is so lovely and your wonderful description has piqued my interest. I will add it to my TBR. Thanks for bringing it to our attention, and Congratulations to all of the authors. 💗

    1. Layla Todd

      Thank you, Lauren! I am delighted your interest in piqued. 💗

  21. Jacqui Murray

    What a beautiful cover. I’m enticed.

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