Bookish Invitations

Bookish Invitations Poem

You throw your pen across the river

It lands at the feet of angels

It is Lucifer who writes

Furiously in your

Book of passions. Take

The plunge. Why chance

It? You cheat

In the


Photo by Nyana Stoica on Unsplash

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  1. Dominic Alapat

    A wild and exciting poem I loved reading!

  2. Simona ~ The Grumpy Olive

    What a beautiful, thought-provoking poem Jaya!

  3. Giulia

    I love the feeling in this one. It’s stark.

  4. ellegracedeveson

    this is so beautifully written! Really lovely poem Xo
    Elle –

  5. Je

    Brilliant. “You throw your pen across the river.” Yup, unshackle yourself from the chains of convention and see where your ability takes you. Lucifer I interpret as that uncharted, fascinating place we never explore because of too many rules. For some strange reason and I know there is no analogy, but reading this poem took my mind to Coleridge’s “Kubla Khan.” Can’t tell why. Coleridge crafting one of his greatest works in pain and under the influence of his medication (opium) and letting his ability run wild, perhaps? Lovely read 🙂

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Oo, I love that you share what each line meant to you as the story unfolded! Thank you so much for sharing. <3

  6. Keep Calm & Drink Coffee

    I have a special weakness for Angels.
    I love the idea of them “across the river” because this river may be plenty of things, or better, plenty of feelings.
    Thank You!

  7. I'm All Booked Up YA

    Great poem and the picture works well with it.

  8. barbaraleaver

    Do we take the plunge into temptation – very thought provoking

  9. Thecaskconnoisseur

    A fantastic piece once again Jaya, absolutely beautiful once again 😁

  10. Raji (@journeyintofantasy)

    Great piece Jaya! This poem took an unexpected turn given that the title had me thinking along another line entirely, but I loved it!

  11. Anika

    Beautiful words, Jaya! I love anything bookish so this one was a treat. Thank you for sharing! ☺️

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you, Anika! I thought mayhap you would be drawn to this one. 🙂

  12. Unwanted Life

    I’d rather Lucifer write in my book of passions than any other angel or god, he’s the only one in that book that took a stand against the tyranny of god

    1. Jaya Avendel

      👌🏿 Nailed some of my fascinations in this piece!

  13. Isa A

    This was very interesting and at the same time curious. You seem to have an intriguing mind to pen such words of poem. Coming across your page for the first time. Thanks for sharing xx
    Isa A. Blogger

  14. quirkymoms486

    oooo suspenseful and powerful Jaya! I wasn’t expecting this. Wonderful writing!

  15. Lisa's Notebook

    I think we forget that Lucifer was once an angel too so this speaks to me of regret and a desire to be heard again. Lovely, Jaya, thank you!

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you, Lisa, for your in-depth read!

  16. Jenny in Neverland

    Woah. This is powerful and not at all where I was expecting it to go!

  17. Corinne

    Love the suspense in the ending of this!

  18. Merry

    Oh Lucifer! I love it. Especially when you mention “Book of passion” 😀 Well done Jaya x

  19. Michele Lee

    Interesting line breaks that create multiple meanings and the transition from angels to Lucifer was surprising. Creative and evocative writing that always takes me down an unexpected path. I love that about your style.

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you, Michele! The nonet form of this piece both challenged and engaged me. Glad you were intrigued!

      1. Michele Lee

        You are most welcome. I enjoy your work. 😊

  20. Sue Berk Koch

    Thought-provoking ending! Thanks for sharing your work.

  21. Loren

    Lovely poem, Jaya! Brisk sudden actions (such as throwing the pen in anger) can lead to a surprisingly helpful response from the person least likely to expect it.
    Thank you for sharing!

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Love your reading of this! Thank you.

  22. Gabriela Marie Milton

    Gorgeous piece Java 🌸

  23. Ingrid

    A tantalising poem Jaya! ✍🏿 📖 ❤️

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