6 Festive Stocking-Stuffer Gifts for a Writer’s Altar

6 Festive Stocking-Stuffer Gifts for a Writer's Altar

I am not your typical writer. To celebrate the differences in the tools writers use to inspire themselves and keep the words flowing, I am back with a second gift guide packed with gifts for a writer’s altar.

Do writers even have altars?

Altars are not only for the witches and spiritual souls among us. Writers utilize and create altars as a place to manifest inspiration and recharge when writer’s block hits. Writers include things like crystals, sea shells, pretty cloths, and favorite literary quotes. Their altars become positive places to visit daily.

If you have writer friends who keep a writing altar, give an intentional gift that fits their lifestyle! It is a wonderful way to give a gift that will be used and remembered. Here are 6 festive gifts to give the writer who keeps a writer’s altar!

Leather Journal from Poetic Earth Journals

Because what writer does not want a beautiful journal to dedicate to the writing closest to their heart? Poetic Earth’s journals are works of art and do justice to the words sure to be written inside them! Each journal’s leather cover is handcrafted and hand-painted, with high quality paper used in each one. Delight the writer in you or in your friends with the Phoenix Reborn journal.

Gifts for a Writer’s Altar: 3 Story Tools to Help Inspire Writing

Story Candle

But not just any candle! These candles, created by Marcy Ellis and Remedies + Richewels, are beautifully painted and designed to celebrate a story centered around a goddess or deity. They are seasonal, however, so keep an eye on their Instagram feeds for preorder announcements.

Handmade Story Dice

You may be thinking story dice are surely creative toys for kids to play with and exercise their imagination. While this is true, story dice help grown writers too. Handmade wooden story dice are a wonderful tool for writers to have on hand when writer’s block hits! Roll the dice and see if the resulting story re-inspires your current storyline or creates a short story you must write (Pro Tip: write down your good short story ideas for later! Here is why). Check out this set of six wooden story dice, inspire your inner Shakespeare with this plot device dice set, or shake things up and try sacred altar coins!

Story Goddess from Brigid’s Grove

I have the Fortuna story goddess from Brigid’s Grove. She was given to me by my mother for my 13th birthday and is a part of my writing altar I could not be without. Each story goddess is handmade and comes with a little removal belt hung with charms to inspire your writing journey. With a variety of deities available, Brigid’s Grove is a wonderful place to shop for useful and intentional gifts for a writer’s altar!

Gifts for a Writer’s Altar: Tarot Cards

Tarot cards are beautifully illustrated cards that come in packs of 72. Each card represents a mini story and every mini story that is associated with a card is packed with key elements, emotions, and symbolism that can be interpreted and applied to one’s present life situation. I have The Herbcrafter’s Tarot and it is my favorite out of the four decks I own. I love The Herbcrafter’s Tarot watercolor-style illustrations and the connections each card draws between life, earth, and future.

Handmade Wooden Ornaments from Erzgebirge

Artfully crafted and painted in Germany, these wooden ornaments include festive nut crackers, incense smokers, music boxes, and more! If candles are not your jam, Erzgebirge incense smokers are the ornament for you. Colorfully and cheerfully painted, these smokers open at the base to reveal a cavity to place an incense cone. Light the cone, place the top back on, and let the room fill with a relaxing scent.

Do you keep a writing altar? What items encourage your writing? What gift ideas off this list do you love? Tell me below!

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  1. Kelly Diane

    These are some great suggestions. I love the sound of the story dice.

  2. Melissa Kacar

    This is such a helpful gift guide! I love the idea of story dice, that would be a great gift for anyone with writers block! All of the others you listed are so unique and would make great gifts! Thanks for sharing! I hope you’re having a nice holiday season! 🙂

  3. Caroline

    These are lovely ideas! The story dice would definitely be useful in a writers block, I love the sound of the candle & tarot cards too x

  4. Simplyalexjean

    These are some awesome creative gift ideas you’ve outlined – I love the tarot cards as well as the story dice!

  5. femaleoriginal

    This is such a cool idea! I can completely see how creating a specific space to encourage creativity can impact your writing.


  6. Hacketthillfarm

    This is so interesting! I never thought of creating a space to help manifest creativity. Usually I go for a walk in the woods or something to release all my negative pent up energy and get the creative juices flowing. For me, I have found that studying the details of nature really help my brain to recharge and get back to writing. I love the idea of adding something like story dice to amp up creativity.

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Love that nature helps you recharge and evoke! Thank you for sharing with me. 🙂

  7. Shell-Shell's🐚tipsandtricks

    I have a few writers in my family, in fact publish authors. A writers candle is a great idea. Thanks for this post!!!

  8. Molly Transatlantic Notes

    This is a lovely idea! I had no idea there were some many things geared towards writer’s that can be gifted — some of these are really thoughtful!

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you so much, Molly. 🥰

  9. Ingrid

    What a lovely idea! I don’t have an altar, but now I want one…

  10. Kate

    Oh wow I love the idea of a story dice! That’s something I had never thought of before 🙂

  11. Charity

    These are such cute stocking stuffer ideas! Thanks so much for sharing!

  12. Unwanted Life

    I never knew writers had alters. What does your writers alter look like? The story dice seem like an interesting idea. Are they just a basic six side dice? How many dice do you need to use to generate story ideas?

    1. Jaya Avendel

      I have a little space on my dresser where I keep my story goddess, candles, altar cloth, and crystals. For the story dice, most sets come with six and the idea is to roll all six at once and then try to link together the resulting images into a coherent tale. 🙂

  13. Farrokh namazi

    What a lovely post and wonderful gifting idea. Must keep them in my mind now.

  14. SelmaMartin

    An alter?!?
    Gee wiz, so that’s what’s happening out there. I love knowing how others manifest. I have sea shells, candles, crystals and quotes on post it notes on a story board. I have journals too, and could very well call the corner where I have these ‘my alter’ but that thought never crossed my mind.
    From ever since I can remember, I open a book randomly when I’m stuck: I usually approach the books with a question and bang, those books I surround myself with bring me answers. (Have written about that before).
    So far, it has worked wonderfully. But I sure wouldn’t mind those tarot cards — gosh, and you have four? Awesome! Say, the Herbcrafter’s Tarot would be perfect for me, I’m sure.
    And the incense from Germany. Imagine!
    Loved this post, Jaya. I feel educated. Thanks so much for posting this. Love it. Happy holidays to you. xoxo

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Wow, Selma, thank you so much for your comment! I love knowing you learned so much from this and that you are inspired by many of the items on my list.

  15. Michele Lee

    Love this! Thank you for the gift ideas.

  16. Michelle (Boomer Eco Crusader)

    I could use some of those story dice! Very cool.

  17. barbaraleaver

    Cool ideas – love the story dice!

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