3 Innovative Steps to Saving your Short Story Ideas and Blog Post Lists for Later + Why it is Crucial.

3 Innovative Steps to Saving your Short Story Ideas and Blog Post Prompts for Later

Most of the time we writers and bloggers have the luxury of taking our short story ideas and blog post lists and writing short stories and blog posts we are passionate about. We write at our own pace, within our writing routine, and craft amazing short stories and posts people enjoy and come back to again and again.

But what can writers do if, in the middle of one story, blog post, or poem, another idea springs up? Do we let the idea distract us from the writing at hand? Or do we let it go on its way and potentially forget the aspects of what could become an amazing short story or blog post?

I personally have too many stories floating around in my head. The ideas come from conversations and suggestions from fellow writers, are sparked by reading a short story or poem, and bubble up inside me. It is impossible to stay ahead of the flood; I cannot finish one short story or writing guide before another idea springs up.

This is why I find it invaluable to write down my short story ideas and writing guide drafts to save for later.

How I save short story ideas for later

Because I feel I am always swamped in ideas, I write down the basic premise of the story ideas or blog posts that come to me in a few sentences and note down any key points I feel should be part of the eventual short story.

For a short story idea or poem, I write down

  • Key points. Write down any unique characteristics of the short story idea, such as speculative brainstorms or twists.

  • Names. If you have come up with a brilliant character name that belongs in this story, write it down.

  • Setting. If you have figured it out, write down where you envision the story to be set.

  • Miscellaneous. Anything else relevant to your short story idea.

For a writing guide or blog post idea, I write down

  • Possible title. The title should tell you immediately what you post will be about, even if it is a draft title.

  • Points to cover. I make a short list, like this one minus the description of each point, so I know what I need to address.

  • Opening sentence. If it is lingering on my mind, I will write down the opening of my eventual post.

After jotting my idea down on a notecard, I file it away and now I can focus on the story, blog post, or poems at hand because the idea will be there to come back to.

The importance of keeping your idea list organized and easy to access

Keep your short story idea list and blog post idea list in one place! Nothing is worse than wanting to write and not being able to find your reference material, especially if you are in need of inspiration and are relying on your lists to help you out.

Related: A Poet’s Guide To Successfully Submitting Poetry Online

I keep my short story idea lists and blog post idea lists separate, but I keep them in the same folder. I keep the folder at my desk and always put it back in the same drawer, so I know where it is.

While I use a folder to organize my idea lists, but you could use

  • Bullet journals
  • Pretty notebook
  • Index cards, filed in a box like your grandmother’s recipe cards.
  • Binder
  • Your phone
  • A digital spreadsheet, such as a Google Document or Excel spreadsheet
  • Envelope, if you use smaller slips of paper
  • Modestly sized ornamental box

While having idea lists is beneficial to a writer or blogger’s writing routine, it can begin to get cluttered and stuffed. Despite me being a lover of the clean and neat, over the years my pile of short story and writing guide ideas have become a little too big. It happens to us all.

As an organizer and check-things-off the list kind of gal, a massive stack of unwritten ideas and outlines is crushing.

Related: 10 Creative Ways to Overcome Writer’s Block

Here is how to handle an overwhelming collection of short story ideas or blog post lists

To sieve through my collection of short story beginnings and writing guide drafts, I sat down to narrow down my idea pile and, second, to write down all the new short story ideas occupying my mind.

  • Scan through your blog post or short story titles. I discarded or put a check next to all ideas I had already written about or made into posts and forgotten to mark off.

  • Remove story and post ideas that no longer excite you. Maybe your area of focus has changed, and the idea is no longer relevant to your writing, or maybe you have already written something too similar.

  • Repurpose. No writing is ever wasted! Consider turning blog posts not relevant to your site into guest posts relevant to a fellow blogger’s site.

  • Reorganize. Put ideas you would like to work on at the top of your pile.

My short story idea list is especially helpful when I am struggling with writer’s block and need inspiration. Sometimes it helps, sometimes it does not, but it a constant there of potential writing I find comforting. Similarly, I love referencing my blog post idea list when I am planning my monthly writing guide!

How and why do you use writing lists? Do lists help you plan your blog content or influence the consistency of your writing routine? Tell me below!

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  1. the hot goddess

    Thank you for this great advice. My “process” of organizing ideas can use some improvement, and your tips are helpful.

  2. Evelyn C Krieger

    I use a physical notebook to jot down ideas and brainstorm. I also record snippets of interesting conversations I hear. I keep an Evernote digital notebook that organizes my ideas. This also includes: quotations I like, news articles, and research for story ideas.

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Evernote sounds amazing for online organization! I love the idea of storing news articles and recorded conversations too.
      Thanks for sharing!

  3. Charity

    These are all such good ideas. I need to start writing ideas down for blog posts when the come into my head. Oftentimes, I forget them if I don’t write them down.

  4. Andrea's Book Corner

    I love this! I certainly do the same as you and write down a blog post’s title, points, and beginning matter. I find that this gets my ideas rolling and I sometimes just end up writing the entire thing haha

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Hey, writing the entire post is great too! If the inspiration is there, live it. 🙂

  5. A Sustainably Simple Life

    I reading posts like this. I learn so much from hearing about other people’s methods of doing things. Right now I’ll jot an idea down on a spreadsheet I share with Krista, but I do find the way we have it organized limiting. Your post has given me some new ideas. Thank you! 🙂

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Delighted to have been of inspiration! 😍

  6. Elle

    This is such a helpful post, thank you so much for sharing lovely! I keep all my ideas for my blog on my phone notes as I much prefer electronically keeping them but I am thinking of getting a notebook just for my blog incase anything happens to my phone. Xo

    Elle – ellegracedeveson.com

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Backup is always good to have! 🙂

  7. Mariella Hunt

    I use methods like this for blog posts, but I’ve yet to get around to it for my fiction. In my bullet journal I make lists in weekly spreads for blog post ideas that struck me during that week. I never thought about using some of them as guest posts; that’s a really good strategy I will have to use! Thanks, I’m sharing this post!

    1. Jaya Avendel

      I am so happy you found this post helpful, Mariella, especially the idea about using off-niche ideas as guest posts!
      Thank you for sharing your thoughts. 🙂

  8. Aisha

    This is such a lovely post! So many great ideas. I love bullet journals. Every time you have a good idea is super important to write it down asap

  9. Lovely Daughter🌸🍀 (@thelovelyrhythm)

    Wow, 😃 Thanks for sharing this helpful tips for blog post list. Perfect guide for me as a writer and content curator.

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Awesome! Delighted you find it handy.

  10. paeansunplugged

    Most of my ideas come while cooking! If it is a phrase, I keep repeating it till I can jot it down. I also use my phone for quick drafts.
    Practical and doable tips, Jaya.

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Yes! Repeating it to keep the thought alive is an awesome way to hold onto it until you can write it down.
      Thanks for sharing yet another useful tip. <3

      1. paeansunplugged

        Yes, it sure helps. My pleasure, dear. ❤️

  11. crystalsandcurls

    Great tips! My bullet journal is full of scribbled ideas and notes because they always come at the most random of times!

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Love that you enjoyed this post! Scribbled notes and ideas are treasures. 🙂

  12. Jeff Flesch

    These are all fantastic tips, Jaya. I find that getting the ideas out of my head when they arise, if possible, is super helpful. If not, I might forget! Great post!

  13. Alicia Thompson

    Hello! These are some really amazing tips! I like to keep all my blog post ideas on a spreadsheet in categories to make sure that I talk about enough of my topics. Thanks for sharing a great post. Alicia

    1. Jaya Avendel

      I love how your list not only organizes your posts, but also helps you stay active within your categories! Clever. 🙂

  14. Her Digital Coffee

    These are such great ideas. It’s so easy to lose an idea because we’ve got so many running through our minds. Jotting things down helps us come back to it later. I like using a white board, my phone, and sometimes my bullet journal. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Jaya Avendel

      A white board is awesome because you can erase and reorganize. 🙂

  15. Lauren

    This is such a helpful blog post with some useful suggestions about how you can write down your ideas. I keep my ideas in notebooks. Thank you for sharing your post Jaya.

    Lauren – bournemouthgirl

  16. Isa A

    Great one. Opening sentence is so important. And I remember I had lists written down but then one day I didn’t want to do them. The bird eye view told me that all went obsolete to my taste. I scratched them and now began all anew. Although I could also have skimmed and deleted which I didn’t like since my vision to those changed. But still don’t regret. What’s done is done. I’ll now keep it written and update to delete or keep too. Thanks. Right when I needed it. Xx
    Isa A. Blogger

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thanks so much for sharing how you took a plunge and don’t regret it, Isa!

  17. Jodie | That Happy Reader

    You included some very helpful ideas Jaya! I use a digital online planner and spreadsheet combo to organize the books I’ll be reading and any book features I will be posting on my blog! It’s always great to get other helpful suggestions. Thanks for sharing.

  18. Lou Farrell

    I’ve bookmarked this page as I need help with keeping organised and this post is going to be so helpful to me. Thanks for sharing.

  19. Giulia

    Very helpful post Jaya! I think we often don’t think about our writing habits or how to improve them. I really like this post as it’s excellent food for thought for me. I am not always as organized as I can and should be. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Delighted to be of help, Giulia!

  20. Kelly Diane

    You’ve shared some really great advice. I find i have to write my ideas down before they slip my mind but I do tend to have so many lists everywhere.

  21. cafebeauty2021

    Thank you for sharing these amazing ideas! I’m currently taking a creative writing class this semester, so it’s good idea for me to organize any thoughts and ideas for short stories. Great post!

  22. Unwanted Life

    My Evernote app is littered with art, story, and blog article ideas using the very format you layed out in this post. Although I don’t always pay so much attention to the title unless one pops into my head. I often just give a title that tells me the theme of the content, so I can scroll through my notes and know the basic content of all of them

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Exactly! I love using placeholder titles that serve as a one-line synopsis of the post content. Thanks for sharing how you keep track of your thoughts!

  23. cherbelle

    I love this so much! Writing down blog post ideas as soon as I have them has changed the game for me. Inspiration is so fleeting that when it comes you have to take full advantage of it. I jot it down in my notes app and then later create a blog post draft!

    1. Jaya Avendel

      The perfect word to describe inspiration! Love that jotting down notes helps retain some of the creative spark. 🙂

  24. Anika

    I absolutely love how detailed this is! I’m not a poet by any means, but I do like to write and a lot of these tips will help me to organise my thoughts a little bit better. Thanks for sharing your tips, Jaya 🙂

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you, Anika! I love that you find this post helpful to your writing routine. <3

  25. Fernando Rozano

    you always bring ideas and ideas that are essential and above all important for those who, for example, write. I confess: I’m a journalist still one of those who have a passion for a notepad and a pen. I was a professional who learned to use concentration as a way of fixing what was being said with the immediate formulation of an idea for the text. of course, today I have all the support of the technology and I use it, however, to write I do it directly. very important your post. Thank you very much. fraternal hug.

    1. Jaya Avendel

      A notepad and a pen are where I too started and I have a bond with that physical feeling of taking notes.
      Thank you for sharing your thoughts!

  26. Corinne

    Great post! I use the notes app on my iPhone for ideas. I use it for loads of tihngs really, I love how it syncs with my laptop automatically so I can use it on both.

    Corinne x

  27. Raji (@journeyintofantasy)

    Thanks for sharing this post! I currently use Notion to organize all my ideas and note down everything there, but I also have a reading journal because writing things down by hand somehow makes it more fun for me. I love the idea of using index cards though, I’ll have to try it out!

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Writing by hand is my preferred way, but I love the idea of also using something like Notion to stay organized! Thanks for sharing. <3

  28. lifestyleseason

    Great advice! Thanks for sharing this! When I have a blog post idea, I write the title and key points in the notes of my phone for another time! I agree that it’s important to organise the ideas and remove ideas that are no longer exciting!

  29. The Clockwork Reader

    I cannot tell you how many times it has happened when a new idea strikes and I think I’d remember it for future writings but I completely forget when I try to actually think of it. Journaling is great tip I try to journal daily so it will be helpful to me for remembering the ideas! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Jaya Avendel

      I have had idea slip away and it is very frustrating! Sometimes just writing ideas down in the margins of my notebook is enough too. 🙂

  30. Spreading Book

    This is useful sharing, especially this helps if anyone hasn’t yet made a blogging routine to be organised.

  31. Eri Tz

    I write my ideas in excel but I m not a really organized when keeping notes. When I come back to check these notes I usually search for one main word related to my idea. Sometimes my notes are so messy I try really hard to understand what my original thought was like.
    Thank you for sharing these great ideas!

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Digital spreadsheets have the advantage of awesome search-ability! 🙂

  32. glowsteady

    Great advice! And to be honest, this is usually how I find ideas come by. It’s rarely a steady stream, more like nothing then one, then another five come flooding in from that one. It happens a lot when cooking too! Adding two ingredients together or seasoning something a certain way, then it pops in my head that this would be great done like this or if I added x ingredient instead. Having a planner and keeping ideas organised is so crucial! x

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Oo, being inspired in the kitchen by the possibilities of what you are cooking sounds so filling!

      I get floods too, as one idea leads to another deserving of its own post and so on.
      Thanks for sharing how this resonated with you!

  33. JamieAdStories

    Great advice for bloggers. I tend to start a post when I have an idea and come back to it later on.

  34. Della Driscoll

    This is a brilliant read and I love all your tips! It’s so important to stay on top of ideas – I note them down as soon as they come to mind so I don’t forget them xx

  35. Ingrid

    This was great to read, because I have my own system of doing this which is a bit different but in principle it works in the same way. It’s not very sophisticated, but I keep notes on my phone – each poem/story/post a new note. I also write a blog schedule and peg my posts there once done. But once a month I have to sort through it because it soon gets out of control 😅

    1. Jaya Avendel

      I have run into having too many notes too! Love that you use your phone, Ingrid, as it is compact and easily on hand. <3

  36. Michele Lee

    Great tips, Jaya. I am never without my journal, which is where I write first lines and first drafts. The messier the better! I have a separate notebook for the longer book project I am working on. Quick ideas that may or may not make it into a blog or short story are written on a small notecard then organized by categories. I have also organized ideas digitally, but I like handwriting first thoughts. ✍🏼😀

    1. Jaya Avendel

      I love handwriting first thoughts too, but enjoy the idea of drafting a searchable digital file too!
      Thank you for sharing your process, Michele. 😍

      1. Michele Lee

        My pleasure! I enjoy learning about the writing habits and processes of other writers. 😄

  37. Michelle (Boomer Eco Crusader)

    I keep a list of ideas in an Excel spreadsheet. I used to write them in a notebook but I prefer an electronic copy so I can easily search and scan the list and I can add to it when I get a new idea.

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Oo, love the idea of an Excel spreadsheet! Searchability is so handy.
      Thanks for sharing, Michelle!

  38. Karalee

    This is such a helpful post! Right now I have a list of blog post ideas in the notes section on my phone, but I would like to get a notebook. I also write down the main points so I don’t forget them.

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Ah, I do not have a phone so I never thought about using it for notekeeping! Thank you for sharing a great idea. <3

  39. summer with monika

    You’re gracious, thank you!

  40. Andrew McDowell

    These all sound like good ideas.

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