
Restless Poem

I am the wind blowing

Aimlessly because I do not know where

I want to go.

I am the mother who

Yells because she knows why she is annoyed

But does not want to be questioned.

I am the man who follows the path

Without knowing where it will lead.

I am the murderer who kills

And is caught because he has

Nothing better to do.

I am the woman who

Lets her thoughts trail

Across a piece of paper because she is idle.

I am Restless.

Photo by Oswaldo Ibáñez on Unsplash


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  1. Dominic Alapat

    An honest and powerful poem! Your voice in this poem reminded me of Whitman! This is profound free verse written with great insight about people and the human condition! It tells you what existential crisis is! Simply superb!

  2. Deeksha Pathak

    Liked it. Probably everyone is going through same dilemma.

  3. Bexa

    Beautiful words, as always. It feels so relevant to now, the world is restless with people unsure where to channel their energy because our normality and direction has gone. Thanks for sharing, perfectly written <3 xx
    Bexa |

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thanks so much for this insightful thought!

  4. Nicola

    Really enjoyed this! Can definitely relate to that restless feeling.

  5. Anika May

    I can totally relate to this. And I loved how peaceful it felt to read despite the topic. Lovely!
    Anika |

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thanks so much for sharing your peaceful thoughts! 🙂

  6. darinaiv

    Beautiful. Feeling restless is so familiar to me. Reading this made me feel so much. Thank you.
    Darina from daramiblog

  7. Boss Babe Chronicles

    I can definitely relate to getting restless at times, especially when times are rough. Beautifully written, Jaya!

  8. Journey.Discover.

    I love how relatable this is! <3

  9. Je

    Such eloquent words!
    There’s no better word to describe the world’s mood right now. I hope the planet is ready for the explosion of pent-up energy when the lockdown ends. 🙂

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Me too! I want the world to come out of this strong. 🙂

  10. adamjnew85

    I get restless a lot, it’s a feeling that I can’t stand, so I usually end up aimlessly doing anything to shake the feeling.

    1. Jaya Avendel

      I know the feeling!

  11. aimsysantics

    Can definitely relate to the feeling of being restless. It can really impact on your decision, can’t it?
    Lovely words yet again, thanks for sharing!
    Aimsy xoxo
    Aimsy’s Antics

  12. Nancy

    This is very interesting – especially when people decide to do things without thinking it through, there are consequences that entails. Though, I have been feeling restless lately, it can cause people to make rash decisions as well. Love it!
    Nancy ♥

    1. Jaya Avendel

      I loved seeing how restlessness affected your own life! It can drive us to rashness. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!

  13. Lellalee

    Such powerful words – we can all relate here I expect! Restlessness is such a powerful, draining thing! xxxx

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Powerful-draining. Two distinct things about restlessness that love to clash! Thanks for sharing your thoughts. 🙂

  14. Jenny in Neverland

    Ooh I like this one! I think we’ve all had that restless feeling in the past x

    1. Jaya Avendel

      I know I have. 🙂

  15. glowsteady

    Beautiful! This definitely went somewhere unexpected x

  16. aimlief

    Beautiful! It gives the sense of feeling lost while pretending to know where you’re going.
    Thanks for this one!
    – aimlief

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Now I love that experience of this poem! Thank you.

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