P is for Perfect

P is for Perfect

A flawless vision brought to

Life with faith in mind.

Image by Alan Scales on Unsplash

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  1. Anika May

    I love the idea of life with faith in mind. Such a positive way to live. Great words!
    Anika | chaptersofmay.com

  2. aimsysantics

    I love your poems and the undercurrents in the words you use! Beautiful ‘perfect’ post!
    Aimsy xoxo

    1. Jaya Avendel

      🙂 Thanks so much! Made me chuckle.

  3. lifestyleseason

    Wow this is amazing! Thank you for sharing this! I love your poems!

  4. A Capone Connection

    I love the word “perfect”. Sometimes when someone asks me how I’m doing I say, “Perfect” because it makes me smile and it often surprises the other person. I often use it as a compliment to describe my meal or a service I receive. I don’t know why, but it just feels good to use that word whenever I can. 🤗

    1. Jaya Avendel

      I love that perfect makes you smile! It is so incredible to be able to pass happiness along.

  5. Jenny in Neverland

    This was beautiful! x

  6. Hey Little Tulip!

    I love how this made me think about perfection and faith
    Olivia | http://www.heylittletulip.wordpress.com

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you! I love it when my words inspire people.

  7. A Cup of Wonderland

    Beautifully put. Faith is a total part of perfection as we strive to achieve it.

  8. petitehappenings

    I love how you incorporate faith with perfection. It is so true!

  9. solidparent

    So much yes! I love this one. It hits me right in the feels! The driving force behind everything, my blind faith!

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Blind faith . . . I love you how describe it. Thank you!

  10. Kayleigh Zara

    I actually love the image and the word combination here, i really understand it from a technical viewpoint as I do alot of painting for my degree! X

    1. Jaya Avendel

      I did not know you painted! I am only a small painter myself but I love that you understand this from the painting viewpoint as well as the poetical one.

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thanks! Glad you enjoyed.

    2. Enn

      So so beautiful. You are so talented

  11. mylilplace

    It’s wonderful how faith has a part in perfection. ❤️

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Faith is the underlying principle of perfection. 😊

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