Order In Chaos

Order in Chaos Poem

Knitted chaos unravels

The wool now smooth and pure

But though it was once knotted

Order lay there before.

Photo by Olliss on Unsplash

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  1. Jenny in Neverland

    I’ve already commented on this one but I want to comment again because reading it through a second time around, I like it even more! I love how it’s such a literal poem. Because things like wool gets so tangled up and ends up in complete chaos. But it could also be a metaphor for so many things! x

  2. Sara James

    Your words brought old memories, as someone of my loved ones used to knit just like this.
    Lovely Poem, Jaya

  3. nortoncharity

    Such a powerful piece! Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful writing!

  4. Je

    Such a powerful message in under 20 words. Sometimes, the answers to our problems lie in the problems themselves. Beautifully done Jaya!

  5. Lindsey

    Ooh there are so many levels to this, I love it. Also on a literal basis as well though because I’m trying to learn to knit and it’s all going very wrong! This is beautiful.

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you! It is lovely to hear words from a fellow struggler with knitting!

  6. Karalee

    I like this poem & the comparison to knitting!

  7. nortoncharity

    This is so beautiful! Thanks for sharing!
    -Charity http://www.morningsonmacedonia.com

  8. Enn

    I love this. Beautiful

  9. Jenny in Neverland

    Really liked this one! x

  10. Jen

    I’m not a big poetry lover. I feel like I usually “don’t get it.” LOL. But your posts always make me think! Keep up the good work.

  11. Amie.🌼 (@acurvyvegan)

    These words definitely hit a cord with me this week!
    Love, Amie ❤
    The Curvaceous Vegan

  12. davidjhopcroft

    Lovely words. The art of hand-knitting is dwindling and yet the most beautiful garments are always those where you know that love has gone into the crafting 🙂

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Beautifully put!

  13. alpanachand

    Loved the poem. Brilliant thoughts especially the last line – Order lay there before.

    1. Jaya Avendel

      It was curious writing the poem and thinking how knitting is just a long serious of chaotic-looking knots but knots that are created in an orderly fashion.
      I am glad you enjoyed the poem!

      1. solidparent

        As always, I so love this one too! Makes me think of the warmth wool has when knitted together 🙂 warm and cozy on this cold winter night!

        1. Jaya Avendel

          A friend of mine is knitting a lovely green sweater. Such a labor of love and warmth!

  14. Ugena Whitlock, PhD

    I felt comfortable and hopeful reading your piece.

    1. Jaya Avendel

      I am glad my words could bring that treasured feeling of hope and comfort to your day!

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