3 Steps To Confidently Writing An Engaging Author Bio

confidently write an engaging author bio

It happens to everyone. You read an amazing short story, a poem that stars your eyes, or an article that introduces you to a compelling new perspective. Who wrote this piece, you ask? The writer must be incredible! You scroll to the bottom of the page and there it is, a picture of this awing weaver of words and an author bio.

Only the biography is flat and dull. There is the usual mix of college degrees, awards, cats, coffee, hobbies, amazing kids, and potentially the spouse that ‘makes it all go’. The writer could be any other writer you have read about.

Author biographies are the subject of much debate and are, interestingly, a place where even many gifted writers may struggle to shine. Here I am sharing what goes into confidently writing an engaging author bio.

The best author biographies are not a neat sum-up of quirks, degrees, and publication credits but instead offer a slice of the writer; they impart not only texture but also smell and taste.

While discussing the writing of a creative bio with an artistic friend of mine, it came to light my partner in conversation felt hesitant and awkward listing her achievements alongside her dreams. Even in the third person she felt like she was bragging and possibly presenting a shallow picture of herself. So, how can one confidently write an engaging author bio without bragging or feeling flat?

Certainly, reading a fifty-to-two-hundred-word bio composed entirely of publication credits is not only uninteresting but also flat.

So, what goes into a good author bio?

 A strong author bio is engaging and informative. Include

  1. Your name and possibly your state of residence
  2. An appropriate number (1-3) of relevant degrees, certificates, and/or awards
  3. An appropriate number (1-4) of published books
  4. Up to five but preferably three publication credits
  5. A link to your website
  6. At least one line entirely about you as a personality

Mention sparingly, especially if it makes up the bulk of your personality line:

  • Amazing spouses
  • Books
  • Cats/Dogs
  • Coffee
  • Fandoms
  • Kids
  • Tea

If all you got going for you, is you love a good cup of chai, well, I have come across hundreds of people who say the same. Similarly, saying you kill for cozy mysteries does not set you apart from the rest of the crowd. However, it does sound cute and quaint and quirky and that captures the heart of writers a little too well.

The six elements previously mentioned, cleverly used, all go toward crafting a final picture of you and are what make up an engaging author bio. For example, one way citing previous publications helps is in rounding out what you are passionate about writing.

Related: A Poet’s Guide To Successfully Submitting Poetry Online

It is necessary to tailor the publications you cite to keep them relevant. If I am submitting to a nature-driven publication, I include literary names like Green Ink Poetry, Black Flowers, and Silver Birch Press. Because most editors also know each other, at least in passing, it gives a publication a sense of your style. Note, however, ultimately it is your writing itself that carries the most weight.

You will need three author bios.

The first one should be a personal, fun bio, such as you might put in the sidebar of your website/blog.

To include with your creative writing submissions, write a bare-bones bio of fifty words or less (if this is a variation of your website/blog bio, all the better!) and a lengthier piece for places that encourage people to paint a picture of themselves without word restraint. I recommend regaling for no more than three hundred words, but I find one hundred and fifty is about as long as I can entertain for. List away and weave together your achievements! I view it not as bragging but as proof I am passionate about what I do. You are a celebration. Celebrate yourself.

Bonus Tip: Look at your Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook bios. Most likely you have written something fun and interesting about yourself within the character restraints offered by social media platforms. See if you can weave in these refined elements of yourself into your author bio.

Do not be afraid to let your biography change and evolve

It has taken me three years to write my bios in their current forms. As I continue to refine down what makes up the most potent parts of me, no doubt my writer’s statement will change again. Hold onto the parts you truly love and let go of the parts that are starting to shed their old skin. Let what is underneath come through!

Extra: Six Elements to Include in your Bio as an Artist

  • Your state of residence. Consider mentioning where you were born/ grew up if it adds depth to your art
  • The art mediums you use and/or special techniques
  • Where you find inspiration and what you are passionate about
  • Your grandest achievements. This can include awards, noteworthy clients, shops that consign your art, and gallery shows
  • A link to your website/online shop
  • At least one line about you as a personality

Did you love writing your author/artist bios or are you still struggling? Share the ups and downs of your journey below!

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  1. D. Wallace Peach

    This was helpful, Jaya. Bios aren’t fun to write, that’s for sure. I do update now and then, but that assumes that the bones are good to begin with. 🙂 I do have different bios for different venues and agree that a one-size-fits-all misses some opportunities. Thanks for the tips!

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Delighted you enjoyed this! Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

  2. rajkkhoja

    I visited your site. I can read some your blog & biography wonderful your experience. So useful & helpful written you. Very advisable blog post. I like. Iam so happy.

  3. Keep Calm & Drink Coffee

    THANK YOU so much!
    Actually writing a bio for me is something like facing a Demogorgon …
    I am totally unable to obtain a result that could not seem senseless …
    So I will try again taking into consideration your tips!

    1. Jaya Avendel

      I am so pleased this is useful to you!

  4. wombatjambalayaoberon31620

    This is so helpful. I need to look at my bio and add some of your tips into it. Thank you for sharing.

  5. Jenni @ I on Image

    So helpful! I want to rewrite my bio so this is very timely. Thank you for sharing xx -Jenni

  6. Mariana

    Amazing tips! I’m currently writing a book and my dream would be to publish it. If it happens, I’ll make sure to come back here 😉

  7. The Clockwork Reader

    I always wondered about author bios and how some of them looked so great. I am not an author but while I was in process of making my blog I struggled alot with my introduction and I am still not satisfied but the points you made makes so much sense that I’ll be applying them to make mine look good. Thanks for sharing!

  8. Selma

    My second attempt at leaving a comment, dear Jaya. Can’t replicate what I wrote in the first one. Just want you to know that this is indeed helpful. Very generous. Very helpful. Thanks for writing it. xo

    1. Jaya Avendel

      No worries! I appreciate so much you sharing your thoughts. <3

  9. ReadAndReviewIt

    Fab tips! I’m not published yet but this will be super helpful if I get there. I definitely agree that it’s important to have a personal line too – as good as achievements are, it’s nice to know more about the author as a person! Thanks for sharing x

    1. Jaya Avendel

      I am delighted you found this helpful! Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts.

  10. Jodie | That Happy Reader

    This information is definitely helpful to the authors in this group! I agree that it’s important for a bio to show a bit of personality! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Glad to be of help, Jodie!

  11. cafebeauty2021

    Interesting guide! I find credentials and noteworthy achievements nice, but sometimes it’s personality what I find the most interesting! Thank you for sharing

  12. Helen

    Thanks for the tips. Writing a bio of any kind for a website, social media platform, or a creative writing submission is sooo hard. It is hard to write about yourself within the constraints that you are given. It’s hard to give enough information without sounding too cheesy .. or what if you give too much information.. or what if the bio makes you sound like a pompous prat? lol So much to consider

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Yes, definitely, Helen! I have been revising and rewriting my bios for years not, but I love the challenge of writing well within the constraints too!

  13. Claire Mac (@ClaireMacBlog)

    This is such a great post! I love writing, but when it comes to writing about myself I really struggle. I like the point you made about having three different bios for different scenarios. I think that’s so helpful!


    1. Jaya Avendel

      Glad you found this of help, Claire!

  14. Isa A

    I loved it. Great post. There are some bios on pets described on them etc I think they should be avoided. 3 to 4 versions of bios are necessary. Im not an author but even as a blogger I know I need to make them. Xx
    Isa A. Blogger

  15. Books with Anjali

    i am not an author, yet but this is super useful for when I do publish my work. Thank you for sharing

  16. Rollin Miller

    Just the tips I needed today. Thanks.

  17. Prakaash inspiration

    Highly informative post.

  18. Merry

    I’m having trouble writing an engaging author bio and I know this will help me to create a good one! Thank you so much, Jaya 😀

  19. lynnmumbingmejia

    Awesome tips for anyone writing a bio in my opinion! I always love reading the writer behind the writing! haha Thanks for sharing, Jaya! x
    Lynn | https://www.lynnmumbingmejia.com

  20. Corinne

    Great tips! It’s so true that lots of people have similar things in their bios and it’s hard to stand out!
    Corinne x

  21. thatmamaclub

    Such a useful post that we know lots will find incredibly helpful! Thank you for sharing

  22. Jordanne | Ofaglasgowgirl

    These are fabulous tips for anyone looking to write a captivating author bio. I like when their personality shines through and I love hearing about their achievements. Really great indepth post, thanks for sharing.

  23. Kait

    This is such a great guide! I write all the time for my blog, but when it comes to summarizing myself into a couple sentences for a bio, I definitely struggle. I love that you mentioned some of the things to only mention sparingly since those really do show up in bios all time!

    1. Jaya Avendel

      I tried to compile a list of ‘mention sparingly’ that I come across often. Glad you felt the same way, Kait! When someone goes beyond the expected, it really starts to stand out. 🙂

  24. A Sustainably Simple Life

    I really struggle with writing a bio. I like how you say it can evolve over time. I think that’s not just a good reminder, but important because we’re all constantly evolving and growing. It seems like a little thing, but I really like knowing where someone is from and where they are located. It’s like placing them geographically helps me see them for some silly reason.

    1. Jaya Avendel

      🙂 Love that knowing where a person is from helps you ‘ground’ them. I never considered that appreciation myself, but I too enjoy knowing where in the world I relate to a person.
      Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts!

  25. Sue Berk Koch

    Great ideas for inclusions in a bio. You’re right, they aren’t written in stone so revisions are a must over time. Thank you for the tips.

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Delighted, Sue!

  26. seanleesmith

    Some useful ideas here. Your bio should be informative, but also make you stand out in some way so that people remember you.
    It’s reminded me that it’s always worth revisiting your own bio and revising it as appropriate.

    1. Jaya Avendel

      🙂 Revision is one of the most important aspects! I love that people keep changing.
      Glad this helped you. Thank you for sharing how!

  27. OneCluelessMum

    I love these tips although I think I may now need to give my own author bio an overhaul!
    I agree I don’t like to see bio’s that just focus on experience and qualifications which can come across as very flat. I much prefer to see a little personality in a bio.
    Thank you for sharing.

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Personality in a bio always makes me smile! Love that this guide helped you. <3

  28. Keep Calm & Drink Coffee

    Thank YOU so much!
    This is very helpful to me since actually I am not able to write about myself and I am aware that I haven’t reached yet the ability to express the real focus I would like and that for now remains mainly in my mind.

    1. Jaya Avendel

      I am pleased to be of help and will be glad if this helps you find a hint of your focus to build upon. 🙂

  29. barbaraleaver

    Very helpful tips!

  30. Kelly Diane

    This is such a helpful post. I agree that they can often seem flat and I just skim through them. Its a space for you to sell yourself in such a way people like what they see and still want to know more. These tips will definitely help with that.

  31. Della Driscoll

    This is a really useful post with some brilliant tips, I needed to read this!! xx

  32. Unwanted Life

    I don’t think I’ve ever read an author’s bio, but I guess I don’t read books that often, and if I do, they’re nonfiction about history, natural sciences, or social sciences. Do people really want to know about an author’s family situation?

    1. Jaya Avendel

      I have read author bios in the backs of many books, fiction and nonfiction, as well as ‘blogger bios’ in many sidebars and footers. I like a unique flare and do my best to provide.
      Unless the author is writing about something related to family, how many kids they have or what their spouse does just ends up reading like filler to me. On the other hand, mentioning you come from a family of twenty is interested and would catch my eye. 🙂

  33. bournemouthgirl

    This is a really informative blog post. These are some great steps to help you be really engaging. Thank you for sharing Jaya.

  34. Frank @ Beach Walk Reflections

    Makes sense to me …. now where’s my tea?

    1. Jaya Avendel

      😊 😆 😂 🤣

  35. Ingrid

    This is great advice Jaya: I should take a look at mine and see if it needs some work!

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Delighted to be of help, Ingrid!

  36. Michele Lee

    Thank you for this, Jaya. You have motivated me to look over my author bio and see what might need updating.

  37. Michelle (Boomer Eco Crusader)

    This is such a good point. Bios are a great way to get the reader to want to know more. You’ve reminded me I need to take a look at my “About me” page on my blog. It has been almost 2 years since I wrote it.

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you, Michelle! Love that this post served as a reminder. May the words flow. 🙂

    1. Elle

      Some really great advice here lovely! I can imagine it’ll be helping anyone whose a writer or aspiring to be. Thank you so much for sharing Xo

      Elle – ellegracedeveson.com

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