V is for Vivid

Vivid Haiku

V is for Vivid

Many thoughts are obscure yet

Those that count are clear.

Photo by Benjamin Balazs on Unsplash

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  1. petitehappenings

    I agree with you on your choice of words.

  2. Nancy

    I agree with the definition of vivid. There is a lot to consume at that time, but it takes a bit to get it all in to understand what’s completely going on :). This is genius work! This is the exact feeling you get when you see something new, especially.
    Nancy ♥ exquisitely.me

    1. Jaya Avendel

      This is also something I feel when I discover I have been looking at something upside-down! Thanks so much for sharing your reflections.

  3. aimsysantics

    Such great words and so true. I also love the picture you put with it!
    Aimsy xoxo
    Aimsy’s Antics

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you for your kind enjoyment.

  4. Jenny in Neverland

    Great poem about clarity among all our millions of thoughts! x

  5. glowsteady

    This can apply to so many things in life where the clarity comes from something tiny x

  6. Eena

    You have a way with words, Jaya! Also, what a great picture to go along with it!
    cabin twenty-four

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you, dear! So glad you enjoyed this poem.

  7. Lisa's Notebook

    Another brilliant picture choice to highlight your words, Jaya. The clarity and vividness of the small details are nearly always the most important ones that count 🙂

    1. Jaya Avendel

      So true! Wiping away a little speck of dust suddenly makes a room look brighter.

  8. Mayah

    I love this!! The photo and the poem combine together perfectly!

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you! I strive to match my writing with a photographer’s fine work.

  9. meredithdent

    Love this poem, it really highlights how vivid a thought can be when you’re directly faced with it. Thanks for sharing love ❤️

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Staring a thought in the face is one of my favorite ways to spend the ‘now’.
      Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts!

    2. Melissa Kacar

      This poem is so beautiful and very well written. Thanks for sharing! I always love reading your work!

      1. Jaya Avendel

        Thank you for your enjoyment!

  10. Alynn98

    This is a gorgeous picture! It’s phenomenal that our brains can have such a constant stream of subconscious thoughts, and it’s amazing to think about how thoughts become conscious and important. Interesting thought, thanks for sharing!

    1. Jaya Avendel

      I loved the picture the moment I laid eyes on!
      Thank you for sharing your kind and interesting thoughts. I too have something to think about.

  11. solidparent

    Absolutely! Clarity and focus come when thoughts are vivid! Or, is it the other way around? Either way, yes!

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