
Revolutionary Poem

My mother plays a recording

The voices of young women

I know only as old

Seep into every crack in the drywall.

Standing lonesome

The ladies in my family

Make their ruby and turquoise

Bronze and feather marks.

Standing together

Painted nails on dreams

Their etchings leave a paved wake for

Future generations to tread.

The brick is unyielding.

You want me to run after you

Snatch at your curled hair

Find warmth under your umbrella

It blocks out the sky.

How dare you

Pass on your shadow to me?

The wise walk in old steps

The foolish walk backwards

I reject the path altogether.

Written for the 11th Experiments in Fiction Poetry Challenge: write a free verse poem.

Photo by Veronika Jorjobert on Unsplash

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  1. ReadAndReviewIt

    Oh wow, this is such a beautiful poem! I love what you did with the form – it’s so interesting, and executed so well – and the theme of rejecting family expectations. Thank you so much for sharing xx

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you for your lovely read!

  2. Dominic Alapat

    A beautiful poem about home and family! The fiercely independent resolve at the end is inspiring!

  3. markstraveljournal

    Very profound, love this!

  4. glowsteady

    I love so much about this one. The tone is beautiful, and it flows perfectly. The way you formatted this really added something, too x

  5. Natasha Evans

    Lovely poem! I like the form of it too!

  6. Thecaskconnoisseur

    Good luck to you Jaya, I think we can definitely see the winner it’s right here, this poem was beautiful and so lovely. 🙂

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you for your vote of confidence! 🙏

  7. alexfaithwrites

    Love this, especially the end. I felt that the end resonated with me.

  8. Aspen Hite

    Incredible…and wow! Such feeling! Not to mention, the format of the verse is aesthetically pleasing. Brilliantly done! 👏💕📝

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you! I had fun figuring out how the words could be arranged to their best effect. Glad that I nailed it. 🙂

  9. Loren

    This is such an emotional piece. Sometimes it does feel like past generations have planned out one’s life story but instead one should work on letting go of traditions and just going one’s own way.
    Thank you for sharing, I really enjoyed it!

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Your thoughts are the thoughts I was working through writing this. Thank you so much for sharing!

  10. barbaraleaver

    A wonderful emotional piece – living your own life. The mindful picture of the black umbrella created a masterful piece

    1. Jaya Avendel

      🙂 I love how the need for one word creates the need for another and how unexpected the result can be.

  11. Rishika Kakar

    Oh wow. I really enjoyed reading this, Jaya. Such powerful emotions put together in such beautiful words!

  12. bournemouthgirl

    This a lovely poem Jaya. Good luck in the challenge too x

  13. Sushmita Sahay

    Beautiful movement of the words

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you so much! I felt it when I wrote it. 🙂

  14. Keep Calm & Drink Coffee

    Jaya with this form, feelings wave even more, and the poem brings a melody which improves the emotion!
    Best compliments!

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you! I had fun playing with the formatting in relation to the words.

  15. paeansunplugged

    Jaya, love the defiant tone at the end. Beautifully crafted.

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you so much!

  16. Ingrid

    Wow: a fantastically freeing poem, Jaya! Thank you for entering 🙏

    1. Jaya Avendel

      It is always my pleasure. 🙂

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