R is for Ramble

R is for Ramble

Every thought expressed somewhere

In there lies a jewel.

Photo by Maria Teneva on Unsplash

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  1. Lauren

    This was really thought provoking. I love that idea that in every ramble there a jewel to be found, something special and interestng.

  2. Castlesandturrets

    There is always something to think about when you ramble away, some hidden jewel/meaning – I love this, it is so simple, yet so effective 😀

  3. Ffi | Health, Fitness & Wellness 🌿 (@FfiMindOverMeds)

    I like this, thought-provoking, to me this says within a ramble there is something important trying to be said.

  4. nortoncharity

    So simple and beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing this!

  5. femaleoriginal

    Love this! It’s so true that in the midst of a ramble you can find some really great points 🙂

  6. Diffusing the Tension

    I love this. Sometimes I feel like my inner monologue is a big ramble fest, but maybe there is more wisdom in there than I knew!

  7. Loren

    Simple but poetic, I love it! it’s so true, sometimes rambles can be valuable and useful thoughts
    Loren | plaidandsugar.com

  8. Gabija

    It blows my mind how many images and thoughts can be conjured up with so few words; a message quite simple at face value but one that will have a lot of different meanings to many people once you get into it – thank you for sharing!
    Gabija | EveryLittleThing Blog

  9. adamjnew85

    I immediately thought about my brain/thoughts/general goings on inside my head when reading this. I love it.

  10. Anika May

    Love the idea of a jewel among the words. Happy September!
    Anika | chaptersofmay.com

  11. Tajinder Kaur

    This one resonates with me. So much to say, thoughts running wild, yet in that there are hidden gems.
    Tx. // Tajinder Kaur

  12. Jenny in Neverland

    Love this one – to me this suggests that we all have SO much to say but the true meaning in our words lies amongst all our rambling! x

    1. Jaya Avendel

      I love rambles; if you pay attention, there is so much gold in there. 🙂

  13. Lisa's Notebook

    I have some of these lights, all the way from Turkey! And when they’re lit, your thoughts do indeed ramble around while you watch the flickering candlelight. As always, you choose the perfect pictures to accompany your words 🙂

    1. Jaya Avendel

      I love the new light you bring to this piece! I did not choose the image for the lights but rather for how the many colors on them seemed to ‘ramble’ while still making a pattern.
      Curious how it fits together.

  14. Kayleigh Zara

    I love this because the message behind this is just so true, and could be so inspiring when you need to power through so writing. Thanks for sharing x
    Kayleigh Zara 🥂✨ http://www.kayleighzaraa.com

  15. bediak97

    So simple yet so effective. The beauty of English..

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you! I always find language fascinating.

  16. Susi Bocks

    Reading in between the lines!

    1. Jaya Avendel

      I love reading thoughts and even what people consider rambling because somewhere in there I always find a beautiful line. Thanks for reading!

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