One. Hundred. Thousand

One. Hundred. Thousand Poem

One person knocked into me

I fell and scraped my knees.

One hundred people spoke to me

They said I would fail.

One thousand people looked at me

Their eyes filled with pity.

Every time I crashed

I never stopped standing up.

Photo by Felix Russel Saw on Unsplash

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  1. Della Driscoll

    I love this so much! For me this means about even though so many people put you down, you should never give up on your dreams and being who you are – and that’s so important xx

  2. Stephanie

    This is POWERFUL and brought me so much hope. It’s been a tough week and this was exactly what I needed as encouragement. I’m so glad you shared!

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Delighted, Stephanie! So happy it helped.

  3. gemmaajaynee

    You always share such powerful and wonderful words. And weirdly always when I need to hear it the most, thank you for sharing x

  4. lynnmumbingmejia

    Love this piece, Jaya! I find this relatable especially with people like me who are trying to make a living from something that is a “passionate hobby”. Lots of people around you will say that it won’t work, you’re wasting your time etc. and it’s really up to you to continue to stand by and to trust yourself. Thanks for sharing xx
    Lynn |

    1. Jaya Avendel

      ‘Stand by and to trust yourself’ is a lovely takeaway from the strength of this piece! 😍

  5. minimallyhan

    Beautiful as usual Jaya. You have such an incredible talent with words!

  6. jupiterhadley

    What an empowering poem.

  7. Jeff Flesch

    Indeed, Jaya. Resilience. Lovely.

  8. Jordanne | Ofaglasgowgirl

    So beautifully written. I feel this, giving up isn’t an option and no matter how many times people knock us down, we get back up.

  9. Nancy

    Sometimes, it takes a few people to make us feel down while there are many others who may support us. However, at the end of the day, it is on us to pick ourselves up to chase our own success :).
    Nancy ♥

    1. Jaya Avendel

      I ❤️ the way you voice this truth! Thank you.

  10. Casey (@mccourtskee)

    Lovely poem! Never give up!

    1. Jaya Avendel

      That is it; determination!

  11. bournemouthgirl

    Thank you for sharing! Great post!

  12. Jenny in Neverland

    Such a motivational and inspiring poem! x

  13. Molly @ Transatlantic Notes

    Knock backs or falls can be so hard to deal with but I wrote a poem called ‘I Am / You Are’ about how we are rooted and strong that echoes the sentiment in your words. Beautifully written!

    1. Jaya Avendel

      I shall be sure to check it out! Thank you for reading!

  14. TheBlackPrincessDiaries

    fall seven times. Stand up eight. ♥

    1. Jaya Avendel

      A beautiful sentiment.

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