Hero’s Journey

Hero's Journey Poem

What are these lies

Flowing from the egoistical lips of men?

If only you could find it in yourself

To dress in truth

You might inspire the underdogs to

Rise above the binding of toxicity.

But then

How quickly the bullied

Become the bullies

In the face of lesser men.

Painting: The Cannon Shot, 1680, by Willem van de Velde the Younger

Inspired by Eugi’s Weekly Prompt: twilight

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  1. Dominic Alapat

    A profound poem that ought to be read again and again!

  2. jonicaggiano

    Powerful and a lot of truth here for both men and women I believe. This makes me think of the bullying that happens with young children where it likely never goes away. It packs a powerful punch. Well done! ❤️Joni

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you, Joni, for sharing your lovely read of this piece!

      1. jonicaggiano

        My pleasure beautiful piece. Enjoy your evening. ❤️Joni

  3. Alicia Thompson

    Hello, wow I’ve read this over a million times and I am in love. Incredible piece! Alicia

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you so much! 😍

  4. Artist/Poet_JayMoraShihadeh

    If only you could find it in yourself
    To dress in truth
    You might inspire the underdogs to
    Rise above the binding of toxicity.
    This ^^^ :))

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Love that you loved the close of this!

  5. FN

    I love Hero’s Journey. It’s beautiful the way you’ve captured the whole journey of lies.

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thanks! That was definitely the intention.

  6. femaleoriginal

    Oh this is so true! Another brilliant piece 🙂 x

  7. Corinne

    Love the ending to this, it’s so true, isn’t it!
    Corinne x

  8. Jodie | That Happy Reader

    This piece reminds me of all those with influence who spread propanda and toxicity. I love the pairing with this painting. Thanks for sharing.

  9. rothpoetry

    You are right… in other situations we become like those we criticize!

  10. Keep Calm & Drink Coffee

    The binding of toxicity is a concept that shake me a lot.
    And sadly sometimes we are the ones to tie ourselves so deep in the toxiicity that we become jailesr more than prisonners.
    I share your powerful Words DEAR

  11. Anika

    Beautiful words, toxicity is very binding indeed! Love the painting paired with this.

  12. gemmaajaynee

    Your words are always touching and inspire me to think in different ways! Thank you for sharing xx

  13. Kelly Diane

    Such a lovely piece Jaya. So poignant and raw, even in unsaid words.

  14. Jeff Flesch

    Gosh, I love this poem, Jaya. I adore how you use the concept of truth, and the necessity of being authentic, instead of egotistical performance, which are examples of people (men) who don’t know who they really are, and are using language as a tool of manipulation and, as you write, toxicity. And, lastly, how these performances are then picked up by generations that come after, and are allowed, nay, continually reinforced. Lovely poem, my friend. Powerful.

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you, Jeff, for a really powerful and deep reading of this poem! Love that you experienced the journey. 🙂

      1. Jeff Flesch

        You’re welcome, Jaya. I did experience the journey, indeed. Easy to do with your elegantly deep and powerful pieces, my friend. Is my complete pleasure. Always! 😊

  15. Sophie | Love and Literature (@Love_Lit_Blog)

    I absolutely love this Jaya! You have such a wonderful way with words, and this reads so well x

  16. earthskyair

    Sadly true. Well done. 🌷

  17. Diana

    Beautiful and poignant lines, Jaya. 💫❤️✨

  18. Lisa's Notebook

    Pecking orders are something that we all fall into line with, don’t we? It’s how we respond to those above and below us that define us though. Great words, Jaya!

  19. paeansunplugged

    How quickly the bullied
    Become the bullies
    In the face of lesser men.
    So much truth in these lines! Excellent take on the prompt, Jaya.

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you kindly!

  20. Heidi Bruaw

    You have such a way with words! I enjoy reading all of your poems!

  21. Lucy

    Beautifully said!

  22. Michele Lee

    Jaya, these lines stood out to me~
    “You might inspire the underdogs to / Rise above the binding of toxicity.”
    The world might look profoundly and positively different if this were the norm.
    Thought-provoking poem, Jaya.

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Indeed the world might look so much better, Michele! Thank you for feeling this piece.

      1. Michele Lee

        My pleasure! 🌞

  23. Ruth| Ruthiee loves Glamour

    This poem spoke in a lot of different ways to me. One that stood out was the thought of how people lie and then those of low standards who can clearly see the truth still go ahead and make the victims look like the perpetrators. I loved this poem. Beautiful as always. x

  24. -Eugenia

    What a wonderful combination of powerful words and emotions. This is exquisite! Brava, Jaya!

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you, Eugi! I went a little deeper for this one. <3

      1. -Eugi ☕️

        Most welcome and I loved it!

  25. taurusingemini

    We all try our hardest, to rise above our separate but equal, trying circumstances in life, and, sometimes we are able to, at others, we are not, some of us overcome, some of us, don’t…

  26. barbaraleaver

    This poem makes you stop and think of those that have challenged us over the years – if only they dressed in truth!

  27. Melissa Kacar

    There is so much truth and strength behind these words! This is such a beautiful poem, thanks for sharing!

  28. quirkymoms486

    Wonderful piece Jaya! I’ve missed reading your writing ❤️

  29. FN

    In the face of lesser men! Love that concluding line.

  30. bournemouthgirl

    This is such a beautiful piece Jaya! So much emotion. X

  31. eob2

    So much truth in this piece, Jaya. 💙

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