H is for Honesty

Honesty Poem

H is for Honesty

It will build worlds around you

Lies will bring it down.

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

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  1. Unwanted Life

    Being honest 100% of the time would probably bring it’s own set of problems, like a horrible boss you think is terrible at their job asking you for your opinion on their work. There’s a time and a place for everything

  2. Je

    This one’s a gem.
    Honesty makes life incredibly simple and better. Is there any other virtue that people are so reluctant to embrace?
    More honesty and less rhetoric in the world… Ah! a girl can dream. 🙂

    1. Jaya Avendel

      🙂 A girl can dream!

  3. cavacchione

    La verità mi commuove.
    La mistificazione mi offende.
    Truth moves me
    Falsification hurts me

      1. cavacchione

        I am not a writer. I was good to write technical reports. But l love poetry.
        Best wishes for your future success. I like your sharp style to express a concept with three verses.

        1. Jaya Avendel

          Thank you for sharing specifically what you like about my writing; I always find such comments lead to future creative writing learning. 🙂

  4. A Capone Connection

    Everything about this resonates inside of me. I think that honesty is the most important thing. It is so important to me that when I had children I did not tell them about Santa, the Easter Bunny, etc. because I never wanted to lie to them, even if it was supposed to be for their “fun”. In a world filled with dishonesty I wanted them to know that there is ONE person who they can always trust. A few people gave me a hard time about this but I didn’t care. My children are all grown now and they don’t feel like they missed out on their childhood at all, but rather they appreciate that they have someone who they know will always be honest with them, no matter what. Honesty is a gift that is invaluable.

    1. Jaya Avendel

      I love your story using honesty! There are so many blurred lines between truth and lie, especially with children, so seeing the choice you made was a glimpse into the versatility of the parenting world.
      Thank you so much for sharing your experience!

  5. Nancy

    I totally feel this piece. Honesty is something that truly brings people together and we can build a world upon a solid foundation of being accountable and real. Lies tear down relationships and so many things. Lies can also cause war too, if it is on the political level. Thanks for sharing this! Have a great weekend!
    Nancy ♥ exquisitely.me

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Ooh, I love your broader perspective on this piece! Thanks so much for sharing.

  6. Rayo

    Very well said, I hate lies. It brings the whole relationship down and it’s hard to forgive. Your words are so simple yet conveys lots of meaning.

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you so much!

  7. bournemouthgirl

    Very well said 😊

  8. Sakura Feels

    I love this!! It’s applicable to a situation I’m in at the moment where I wish the person could be honest with me and they’re not. Thanks for that, puts things in perspective

    1. Jaya Avendel

      I am glad this little haiku could offer you some perspective today! Thanks so much.

  9. Megha's World

    Well said Jaya.Lies always bring down the fort no matter how strong it was

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Nothing is a more deadly weapon then lies and nothing more potent then the truth. Thank you for reading!

      1. Megha's World

        Yes you said it perfectly

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