
Forget Poem

Sing away the pain

Dance out the disappointment

Free feet are unchained.

Photo by janis blums on Unsplash

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  1. Dominic Alapat

    A beautiful poem! Love the themes of courage and freedom here!

  2. BrittnyLee

    That ending line. Amazing

  3. Nancy

    I like this one. When you get your mind focused on other things, you tend to forget about the issues that was causing you grief. This make you feel free than chained down. Thanks for sharing this amazing piece!
    Nancy ♥

  4. Tiara Davis

    Such a deep meaning with few words… love it!

  5. Nicole.Eva

    So simply done and because of that it has significant impact….brilliant

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thanks so much! I love finding small meanings in a few words.

  6. Nicole.Eva

    Wow, so beautiful I love it ❤️

  7. Lia

    Love the image and simplicity of this post. Sometimes less is more.

    1. Jaya Avendel

      You could not have said it better; much thanks!

  8. thephysiomama

    Beautiful thoughts and image.
    Very relevant at the minute 💕

  9. Melissa Kacar

    This is such a beautiful poem and one that is especially relevant for all that’s going on in the world! There is so much freedom in dancing and singing away the pain, fear, and uncertainty. Thanks for sharing! I hope you’re staying safe and healthy! 🙂

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thanks for sharing your inspiring words! Stay safe and healthy yourself. 🙂

  10. bournemouthgirl

    This is so true. Singing a lot and dancing feels so good and be free!

  11. Lellalee

    How relevant these words are today – free feet are unchained. I hope that soon we will all feel the freedom we had but some months ago!xxx

  12. Fy

    I love the “free feet are unchained” expression! I really like your writing style 🙂

  13. Lisa's Notebook

    I wouldn’t want to inflict my singing voice on anyone (!) but I love these sentiments, Jaya. There’s freedom in letting yourself go without fear or favour, isn’t there? X

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Without fear or favor, there is so much freedom! Thanks for sharing your thoughts. 🙂

  14. Jenny in Neverland

    Love the image you picked to go with this one – very appropriate!

  15. barbaraleaver

    I can see and feel everyone relating to this piece when we are released from isolation!

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Yes! Time to dance. 🙂

  16. Brooke at Blue to Bliss

    This is my favorite one so far. I can actually see myself doing this. Everyone can relate to your hauntingly beautiful words.

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Hauntingly! I love that descriptor; thank you.

  17. glowsteady

    Singing away the pain sounds absolutely lovely. I think the image you chose to go with this one fits beautifully too x

  18. Unwanted Life

    Singing along to my favourite songs is one of my preferred methods of dealing with bad feelings. The perfect poem for self-care

  19. Susi Bocks

    The thoughts and the image, so beautiful!

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Thank you! I felt as I was flying as I wrote it.

      1. Susi Bocks

        I can understand why!

        1. Jaya Avendel


  20. Megha's World

    This one spoke to me. Yes free spirit is always unchained.

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