Blogging Is Experimenting

Blogging is Experimenting!

As some of you who have been with me since the beginning of this blog know, as a beginner blogger, I used to post spontaneous articles, then poetry every day, then every other day, and finally to where I am now: twice a week.

Two posts a week seemed like so little. I was convinced it was not enough to retain an audience and I was hesitant to try it and lose what I had worked so hard to build.

I tried twice-a-week postings with the beginner blogger mentality that it would give each post its own time in the spotlight. It could be read and appreciated for several days before a new post would take its place.

And it worked! When I started posting twice a week, I really began to grow.

I have changed fonts and themes and, while I love this theme, I am trying out a new font. Have you noticed?

I began to use vibrant photos from Unsplash instead of small and cheap images pulled from Google, where copyrights are often unclear.

Experimenting helped set the tone for what you see now. What you see now was built from experimentation. You must experiment to reach your vision. Even with a vision, it takes constant change to find that point of satisfaction.

Do not be afraid to dig up that header you have hated for the past week, change a font that bothers you, heck, change your theme colors! You never know what you will find under old layers.

That is what blogging is about; experimenting until you find the look and feel and schedule that works for you. I experiment here freely now. And, since I know it takes experimenting to find what works, when I began my Patreon page, I experimented and am still experimenting to find the embodiment of my vision.

Want to know what I have been up to on Patreon?

I ran a special offer. I gained my first patron. I experimented with poetry and posts and musings, the latest being Writing Joke Pet Peeves.

Through the experimentation process, I found I am more likely to share writing-related articles and tips I pen on Patreon rather then on the blog.

The reason?

I have not yet dug a plot for such pieces to reside here. While I could quite easily incorporate such a section, I doubt such pieces would be regular. There is space for plenty here, as you know, but writing musings, weird as it may seem, do not call to be included.

I thought at first I might include my writing musings in the Poetic Pen Tier, where exclusive poetry flows forth by way of a unique graphic format but, by way of yet another experimentation, I created a new Tier that holds the key to my patron-only feed, where I want to share writing musings people interested in other Tiers may not want to encounter.

Hence my decision to share them as a neat extra on my Patreon page.

For the price of a creamy latte, these delicious extras can decorate your inbox! Sound like something you are after?

Come on over and explore Nin Chronicles on Patreon! Your support is greatly appreciated and, for your convenience, monthly pledges can be cancelled and customized any which way.

Hoping to see you there!

May the words flow!

Photo by Giulia Bertelli on Unsplash

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  1. Amber Page

    Supper post! I’m currently posting twice a week but i think ill have to go down to once a week due to other commitments.
    Amber | The Unpredicted Page

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Priorities change! I often feel it is best not to fight them and instead go with the flow. 🙂

  2. Giulia

    oh, you are making me want to experiment with my own blog theme hehe but I am so scared too!

    1. Jaya Avendel

      There are so many blog themes, but I seem to have stuck with this one for a while! I feel brave when I preview a new theme. 🙂

  3. Albina Naber

    Great article I’ll be back for some more.

  4. patientandkindlove

    I think it’s fun to try out different things. This is supposed to be something that is fun and a creative outlet. Even if you want to make it into a business it makes sense to try out different things to see what works and what doesn’t

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Precisely! Though, once a business, I think one has to strive to have the same approach.

  5. Meaghan

    I really think two posts a week is the perfect amount, mostly because like you say you have enough time to promote them properly without them being overshadowed by new content every day!
    MB |

    1. Jaya Avendel

      I suppose to some people it may seem like too little, but I think it gives just the right amount of time for individual appreciation!

  6. Jenny in Neverland

    Experimenting is so important in blogging and finding what works for you! For a large portion of this year, I blogged 3 times a week. But then with added in sponsored post and product reviews that came in throughout the month, it got to the point where I had new content up every day and it was getting overwhelming. I then did twice a week but from September onwards, it’s been once a week and I’m putting so much more time and effort into each post! x

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Overwhelming . . . an excellent way to put it. I know the feeling! So happy you found what works for you!

  7. Keiran Crying

    I definitely need to experiment more. Especially when it comes to the frequency of my posts. I’d like to post more I just fear that my content isn’t good enough to warrant it. Experimentation can be daunting unfortunately but alas I shall try.
    Can I also just add, as always, I love the way you write. It is so fluid and elegant. Your poetry creeps in even when you aren’t writing it! I love your style and the wisdom you share through it!

    1. Jaya Avendel

      It CAN be daunting but I encourage you to try! Doubting yourself is the first thing you should experiment with by letting go.
      That is so kind! I suppose a little prose cannot help but creep in! 🙂

  8. ellieslondon

    For me, the whole blogging journey has been a total experiment and seeing what works and what doesn’t. Posting on certain days has not worked for me so far but I do find that posting every four or five days works really well. It is important to stay true to yourself whilst trying to make the necessary growth as well.

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Staying true to yourself; now that is an important aspect of experimenting for the sake of growth! Thank you for sharing.

  9. glowsteady

    In the very beginning, I used to post whenever I had some content but I’ve been doing three times a week on set days for a really long time now and that seems to work well for me. It’s all about figuring out what works for you as well as your audience. Content & schedules evolve over time I guess x

    1. Jaya Avendel

      I was not writing actively in my beginning either so I did the same thing! Content and schedules do indeed evolve and I love what you are evolving in to. 🙂

  10. bournemouthgirl

    I blog twice a week and for me that seems like enough. But you have to do what feels right for you and your blog. If you have more time, then maybe you could post more x

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Same here! If one had more time, one COULD post more but I think it is more about finding what feels right for you, just as you said!

      1. bournemouthgirl

        Yes definitely, I’m sure it varies for everyone

  11. Tom's Nature-up-close Photography and Mindfulness Blog

    Your Theme is very nice! 🙂 I tried changing Themes recently and it was chaos.

    1. Jaya Avendel

      I know! I preview before I commit and often a new theme wreaks chaos with carefully formatted posts! Glad you like what I have going!

  12. Molly @ Transatlantic Notes

    I’ve been wondering about upping my posting schedule — it just takes me a while, particularly if I’m doing a news/political/advocacy post as I research and often follow news events as they happen to decide what to focus on. You’ve given me some food for thought!

    1. Jaya Avendel

      Well, I am so glad to have inspired you! I do hope you eat your food for thought and find what feels right. 🙂

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